


In order to analyze a sample for a specific element, a light source is required, which emits light at a specific wavelength that the atoms will absorb. When a ground state atom absorbs energy in the form of light of a specific wavelength, it is promoted to a higher energy level. The amount of energy absorbed at this wavelength is proportional to the number of atoms of a particular element.

无电极放电灯(EDL)和空心阴极灯(HCL)是两个常见的光源atomic absorption。发生原子吸收所需的基态原子是由样品细胞或雾化器产生的。这涉及用石墨炉或火焰施加热能以打破将原子固定在一起的键。


仪器的进步允许使用GFAA检测复杂矩阵中的微量元素,例如生物学和地质样品。痕量元素分析要求使用溶剂和高纯度剂来确保测量的准确性和精度。这项工作是概念证明,说明了ultrapure water purification system用于AA应用程序。



  • 这concentrations of the following elements in ultrapure water freshly delivered from aDirect-Q®3紫外净水系统如图2所示,通过GFAA测量
  • 这些元素包括砷(AS),镉(CD),铬(CR),铅(Pb)和硒(SE)。
  • Perkinelmer®如图3所示,AAnalyst™800仪器用于分析。
  • This instrument is equipped with a transversely heated graphite furnace (THGA), longitudinal Zeeman-effect background correction, and solid-state detector. Each injection was prepared with 20 pl of water sample + 5 pl matrix modifier.
  • A matrix modifier was added to the sample to prevent volatilization of the analyte.

表格1provides the lamps and matrix modifiers used for each element analyzed.


分析元素 使用的光源 Matrix modifier used
Type* 发出的光波长,nm
作为 EDL 193.7 0.1 % Pd + 0.06 % Mg(NO32
光盘 EDL 228.8 1.0%NH4H2po4+ 0.06%mg(否32
cr HCL 357.9 0.3 % Mg(NO32
pb HCL 283.3 1.0%NH4H2po4+ 0.06%mg(否32
se EDL 196.0 0.1 % Pd + 0.06 % Mg(NO32

* EDL =无电排放灯;HCl =空心阴极灯


图3。Perkinelmer Aanalyst 800仪器


Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead and selenium are elements that are introduced naturally into our environment are found practically in all living organisms. They participate in a wide range of biological functions that includes being components of enzymatic systems.

However, in recent years, human activities have released a very high amount of these elements into the environment, resulting in levels that could be toxic to humans. Table 2 summarizes the maximum饮用水中的污染水平(MCL)在这五个要素中,它们对摄入受污染的水的潜在健康影响以及污染的来源。(来源:EPA网站)

Table 2。根据EPA。5

Element MCL (pg/l) Potential health effects 饮用水污染的来源
作为 10
  • 皮肤损伤或循环系统问题
  • Possible increased risk of cancer
  • 天然沉积物的侵蚀
  • 果园的径流
  • 玻璃径流
  • 电子生产浪费
光盘 5
  • 肾脏伤害
  • 镀锌管的腐蚀
  • 天然沉积物的侵蚀
  • 从金属炼油厂排放
  • Runoff from waste batteries and paints
cr 100
  • Allergic dermatitis
  • 从钢和纸浆厂排放
  • 天然沉积物的侵蚀
pb 15 *
  • 婴儿和儿童的身体或智力发展延迟
  • 肾脏问题和成人高血压
  • 家用管道系统的腐蚀
  • 天然沉积物的侵蚀
se 50
  • Hair or fingernail loss
  • Numbness in fingers and toes
  • 循环问题
  • 从石油炼油厂排放
  • 天然沉积物的侵蚀
  • 从矿山排出



图4。使用Perkinelmer获得的PB的标准校准曲线®Aanalyst 800仪器。


Table 3。直接Q中的AS,CD,CR,PB和SE的浓度®3个紫外线系统水

Element 检测极限(PPB) Concentration in Direct-Q®3个紫外线系统水((ppb)
作为 0.10 Not detected
光盘 0.010 Not detected
cr 0.10 Not detected
pb 0.10 Not detected
se 0.015 Not detected


图5。这purification steps in a Direct-Q®3紫外线系统。


GFAA is a highly sensitive method suitable for the routine measurement of trace elements. Since the detection limits for most elements are well below ppb levels, it becomes necessary that reagents and solvents be free of the element under investigation because this would lead to inaccurate results. Ultrapure water freshly delivered from a water purification system such as aDirect-Q®3紫外线系统是用于GFAA分析的合适水源。


关于EMD Millipore-实验室水业务部门

Water is the most commonly used solvent in laboratories and constitutes often more than 99% of the mass of solutions used in experimentations. The quality of water used in the lab is therefore critical for the success of the tests performed.

此信息已从EMD Millipore -Lab Water Business部门提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。欧洲杯足球竞彩

For more information on this source, please visitEMD Millipore-实验室水业务部门



  • APA

    EMD Millipore-实验室水业务部门。((2018, August 06). The Relationship Between Atomic Absorption (AA) Spectroscopy and High Purity Water. AZoM. Retrieved on July 23, 2021 from //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=10269.

  • MLA

    EMD Millipore-实验室水业务部门。“原子吸收(AA)光谱和高纯度水之间的关系”。azom。2021年7月23日。

  • 芝加哥

    EMD Millipore-实验室水业务部门。“原子吸收(AA)光谱和高纯度水之间的关系”。azom。//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=10269. (accessed July 23, 2021).

  • Harvard

    EMD Millipore-实验室水业务部门。2018。原子吸收(AA)光谱和高纯度水之间的关系。azom, viewed 23 July 2021, //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=10269.


