Using Spectroscopy for Advanced Gemstone Analysis

Gemology, Spectroscopy, Advanced Gemstone Analysis

图片来源:Daniel Stewart Lustig/

Gemologists often have two standard questions,“What are the characteristics of the stone I’m asked to measure?”, and“Are these characteristics natural?”这是因为该行业已经开发了许多技术来“增强”石头来隐藏瑕疵和优化颜色。

Techniques used include irradiating, heat treating, laser drilling, resin filling, and even simple surface medications such as petroleum product treatments.

一个典型的基础系统由AVASPEC-ULS2048-USB2光谱仪,用于宝石学的白色参考图,WS-2 GEM和Avalight-Hal-Hal卤素灯光源和FCR-7UV200-2-BX光纤反射探针或Avasphere-50-LS-HAL,整合配备的球体,带有卤素照明。

尽管有许多潜在的应用,但是在红宝石中,钻石类型IA或IB状态的测定或主铬峰(692.8 nm和694.2 nm)的测量通常使用该系统进行。

IA型或无色钻石在415 nm和478 nm处表现出强氮的吸收峰,而IB型或黄色钻石则没有显示这些峰,因为它们具有更大的氮原子分布。其他有用的峰为592 nm和741 nm,峰值表示人造着色的发生。

Gemology, Spectroscopy, Advanced Gemstone Analysis

Advanced Gemology Measurements


Most of the time, the chamber will have provisions for cryogenic cooling. The detection system can range from simple cameras to photomultiplier tubes. The systems available from Avantes feature the AvaSpec-ULS2048LTEC-USB thermoelectrically cooled spectrometer and a variety of lasers.


Many regulatory agencies demand that all such treatments are disclosed, but the major concern is the possibility of misrepresenting such stones as natural or untreated ones. An Avantes economical, high-performance photoluminescence system can detect the HPHT process as it leaves a trace peak at 694 nm.

Why Avantes for Gemology Applications?

  • Applications experience of the configuration required to test the varied grades of diamonds
  • 可以提供广泛的光谱仪来提供最佳和经济的解决方案
  • Custom manufacture of probes (for example, a zero fluorescence probe)



Gemology, Spectroscopy, Advanced Gemstone Analysis


订单代码 Ava-GEM
光谱仪 Avaspec-uls2048-USB2
Grating VA(360-1100 nm),25 µm狭缝,DCL -UV/VIS,OSC
Software avasoft-full
Fiber optics FC-UV600-2, UV/VIS, 2 m, SMA
Accessories Avasphere-50-LS-HAL与卤素光源整合球
WS-2-GEM White reference tile with 10 mm radius hole, specially for gemstone measurement
AvaSphere-50-HOLD WS-2-GEM Tile holder for AvaSphere-50 for gemology applications

Advanced Gemology Setup

光谱仪 avaspec-uls2048ltec-usb2
Grating NC(640-830 nm),50 µm狭缝,DCL -UV
Software AvaSoft-Raman
光源 HENE-35激光633 nm红色随机偏振激光,35 MW
Fiber optics Avaraman-PRB-633,Laser-Col-SMA
Accessories 低温容器

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Avantes BV.

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Avantes BV。


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    Avantes BV。"Using Spectroscopy for Advanced Gemstone Analysis".AZoM。2022年5月19日。

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