Investigating the Environmental Impact of Industrial Goods by Analyzing the Energy Consumption of Manufacturing ArmaFORM PET Foam AC Core

A life cycle assessment (LCA) is applied to systematically analyze the environmental impact of industrial goods ‘from the cradle to the grave.’ This assessment includes all processes such as raw material production, transport, manufacturing, energy supply, use and disposal of the products. Such ecobalances, for instance, can deliver data on the consumption of raw materials and energy and emission of greenhouse gases.

分析制造Armaform Pet AC泡沫核心的能耗

Armacell Ecobalance分析了产生Armaform Pet AC泡沫核心的能源消耗,这是ISO 14040国际标准的ISO符合符合日志的能源。该分析侧重于具有全球变暖潜力的温室效应。为了将这种影响置于环境中,还根据风力涡轮机的应用,还指定了产品使用寿命的能源。所有结果都是特定的CO2值。分析包括:

  • 原材料的提取,加工和运输欧洲杯足球竞彩
  • 生产过程的能源使用,燃料和用水
  • Transport of the product to the customer.

Analysis Results

整个宠物制造周期的每个过程中涉及的所有排放和原材料消欧洲杯足球竞彩耗都被转变为一长串排放(称为撞击表)。由于这些影响通常会导致非常不同类型的环境问题,因此它们由它们造成的影响并指定为EI 95方法中提供的11个类别之一。表1显示了与1公斤PET泡沫产生有关的全球变暖潜力的空气排放。


空气发射的物质 加载Co2等效物
Carbon dioxide 4,11 kg CO2
甲烷 0,25公斤2
Dinitrogen monoxide 2,00E-02公斤2
Bromotrifl Uoromethane,Halon 1301 4,88E-04 kg CO2
1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafl uoroethane, CFC-114 3,40E-04 kg CO2
Trichlorofl uoromethane, CFC-11 7,45E-05公斤公司2
甲烷,叶绿素甲烷,CFC-13 3,84E-05公斤公司2
甲烷,二氯二甲烷,CFC-12 3,34E-05公斤公司2
Chlorinated fl uorocarbons, soft 2,33E-05公斤公司2
叶绿素夫妇甲烷,HCFC-22 8,24E-06 kg CO2
四甲烷,FC-14 1,25E-06 kg CO2
Tetrachloromethane, CFC-10 2,71E-07公斤公司2
Hexafl uoroethane, HFC-116 1,91E-07公斤公司2
Ddichloromethane, HCC-30 1,88E-08 kg CO2
Total of all compartments 4,40 kg CO2/1公斤宠物泡沫

如图1所示,可以量化每种原材料对温室气体发射或用于生产目的的能量的贡献。可以观察到的,电力的贡献大大高于吹风剂。一个人可能认为整体合作社2如果气体用作吹剂,平衡可能会受到显着影响。但是,使用CO2增加生产中的电力消耗。Armacell不重复使用CO2as a blowing agent. Like the production step, the remaining impact categories are also analyzed using a similar approach.

Energy Savings of ArmaFORM PET Foam Core in Wind Energy Applications

ArmaFORM PET AC is applied as a core foam in sandwich constructions for wind turbine blades. The energy savings of ArmaFORM PET AC in wind energy applications would be much greater than the raw materials and natural resources used in the production process. The amount of CO2可以通过风能消除的,这是根据对全球电力市场的碳强度的假设估算的(即CO的典型数量2released by generating 1kWh of power).

Although there is a substantial difference in the emissions of individual countries, Armacell uses the IEA's estimate of 600g/kWh as an average value for the CO2elimination to be achieved from wind generation. Based on the blade design and the density of the foam used, roughly 400kg of ArmaFORM PET AC foam is required to fabricate a 42m long blade.

According to the results of ‘cradle-to-gate’ analysis by Armacell, nearly 1,760kg of CO2((400 x 4.40 kg/ CO2)is emitted for one blade. This amounts to 5.28tons of CO2产生三个叶片所需的Armaform PET泡沫量的发射。相比之下,一个2MW的海上风力涡轮机大致提供了寿命2saving of 81,250 tons.


分析方法是从Simapro Analyst 7.1软件(荷兰)中的所有资源中选择的,该方法基于与每种方法相关的影响类别和表征因素。在估算之前,将重点放在全球变暖潜力的气体的温室效应和气体排放量。因此,选择了生态指标95(EI 95)。

在这种方法中,考虑的影响类别是温室效应,固体废物,能源,农药,夏季烟雾,冬季烟雾,致癌物,重金属,富营养化,酸化和臭氧耗竭。在考虑温室效应时,EI 95具有30多种不同的气体,具有全球变暖的潜力。这些气体的影响是在二氧化碳等效物中给出的(CO的kg2)。

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Armacell Benelux.

For more information on this source, please visitArmacell Benelux



  • APA

    Armacell Benelux S.A.。((2019, May 01). Investigating the Environmental Impact of Industrial Goods by Analyzing the Energy Consumption of Manufacturing ArmaFORM PET Foam AC Core. AZoM. Retrieved on July 02, 2021 from //

  • MLA

    Armacell Benelux S.A ..“通过分析制造Armaform Pet泡沫AC Core的能源消耗来研究工业产品对环境的影响”。AZoM。2021年7月2日。

  • 芝加哥

    Armacell Benelux S.A ..“通过分析制造Armaform Pet泡沫AC Core的能源消耗来研究工业产品对环境的影响”。azom。//。(2021年7月2日访问)。

  • Harvard

    Armacell Benelux S.A.。2019.Investigating the Environmental Impact of Industrial Goods by Analyzing the Energy Consumption of Manufacturing ArmaFORM PET Foam AC Core。AZoM, viewed 02 July 2021, //


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