Insights from industry


Harper International的高级流程技术工程师Peter Witting博士谈到了Harper如何参与核材料的处理以及这所涉及的内容。欧洲杯足球竞彩



  • UO2颗粒,SWARF和粉末T的氧化至U3O8
  • UO2的硝酸铀酰和氢氟化
  • Sintering UO2 pellets for reactor fuel rods
  • 废物修复


What are the main thermal processing solutions that Harper International provides?



Many of these systems Harper provides are fully integrated for different process steps. These may include a cascading rotary system where each rotary delivers a different process step. The integrated cascading rotaries deliver an effective tool for producing nuclear fuel.



约翰·哈珀(John Harper)和他的同事在1940年代发明了第一个处理核燃料的炉子。1957年,我们为通用电气生产了第一个核燃料烧结炉。哈珀(Harper)已成为全球领先的定制系统,用于反应和烧结核燃料。这些早期的系统是较小的烧结推炉。


Could you explain the process involved in sintering nuclear fuels?

Nuclear fuel sintering often is a two-step process. The first step involves removal of the binder. This debindering step typically is at a significantly lower temperature than the sintering step. The sintering step requires hydrogen atmosphere – often with dewpoint control, and process temperatures of 1600 to 1800°C.


The typical fuels produced from Harper sintering furnace system include nuclear fuel for PWR, PHWR and CANDU reactors.


During nuclear fuel pellet production there are several operations which produce waste. These include the swarf from pellet centreless grinding operations to meet the high tolerances required for nuclear fuel and broken pellets from different steps in the operation. These swarf or waste products are oxidized in Harper oxidation system from UO2 to U3O8. This material is then re-introduced into the production of nuclear fuel.

Harper系统也已被用来将高度富集的核材料稀释成非富集的材料。U-235是裂变 - 可以维持裂变链反应。一些Harper系统已用于将高度富集的UO2转换为U3O8。这种富集的U3O8与天然U3O8材料混合在一起,以稀释U-235的浓度。然后将这种稀释材料重新处理成核燃料。



Harper’s rotary system includes baffles and other features to reduce end tube radiation loss to improve the energy efficiency. Rotary systems often provide great energy efficient value since there is no carrier load which requires energy to heat and cool the boat or product tray.

Could you outline the Ignite™ Program in more detail?



Could you outline a recent nuclear case study that Harper has recently been involved in?

Harper has recently been involved in a cascading rotary system where two different process steps are applied in an integrated series of rotaries. Each rotary require a different atmosphere and both require tight atmosphere controls and seal.


What does the future hold for nuclear materials processing? How will Harper be a part of this?

The demand for electric power continues to increase placing a strain on the supply. This demand results in continued growth in the demand for nuclear power. Nuclear power is one of the cleanest energy sources and worldwide expansion is anticipated.


Harper will continue to build upon its base technology in this field to meet the challenges of this growing market. We will devise turnkey solutions with our range of offerings including gas treatment and handling and fully integrated control systems.


Peter Witting

Peter Witting, Ph.D., Senior Process Technology Engineer at Harper International, received a Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University at Buffalo. Peter came to Harper in the year 2000, after working for five years at Naval Undersea Warfare Center.

Witting博士在目前的角色中负责监督流程和设备开发的技术方面,以支持生产高增值材料。2020欧洲杯下注官网欧洲杯足球竞彩Some of the materials include: tungsten carbide, molybdenum, cobalt, carbon nanotubes, high surface area carbon, boron nitride, silicon and other solar materials, etc. Dr. Witting’s work is published worldwide and he has three U.S patents, including a unique design for a High Temperature Reactor.

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G.P. Thomas


G.P. Thomas

加里(Gary)毕业于曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester),获得地球化学的一流荣誉学位和地球科学硕士学位。欧洲杯线上买球在澳大利亚采矿业工作之后,加里决定挂断他的地质靴子,然后把手转向写作。当他不开发话题和信息丰富的内容时,通常可以发现加里弹他心爱的吉他,或者看着阿斯顿·维拉(Aston Villa)FC抢夺胜利的失败。



  • APA

    Harper International。(2021年2月4日)。加工核材料。欧洲杯足球竞彩azom。于2021年9月16日从//检索。

  • MLA

    Harper International。“加工核材料”。欧洲杯足球竞彩azom。2021年9月16日。

  • 芝加哥

    Harper International。“加工核材料”。欧洲杯足球竞彩azom。// (accessed September 16, 2021).

  • 哈佛大学

    Harper International。2021。加工核材料欧洲杯足球竞彩。Azom,2021年9月16日,。


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