Trip Steels的微观结构包括至少五个体积的保留奥氏体的体积,后者嵌入了主要的铁氧体基质中。微观结构还包含诸如贝氏岩和马氏体等硬阶段。
跳闸钢通常需要在中等温度下使用等温固定,以创建一些Bainite结构。在最终微观结构中,在大体积分数中保留的奥斯丁岩的存在是Trip Steels中较高水平的碳和硅的结果。Trip钢微结构的示意图如图1所示,Trip 690的显微照片如图2所示。
Hard second phases are dispersed in soft ferrite during deformation, creating a high work hardening rate in DP steels. However, in the case of TRIP steels, increasing strain gradually transforms the retained austenite to martensite, causing an increment in the work hardening rate at higher strain levels (Figure 3). Although the initial work hardening rate of the TRIP steel is lower than the DP steel, the hardening rate of the TRIP steel sustains at higher strain levels at which the DP steel experiences a deterioration in the work hardening rate.
图3。旅行350/600的总伸长率高于DP 350/600和HSLA 350/450
与常规HSS相比,Trip Steels的工作硬化速率明显更高,从而实现了大量的伸展。这对于使用类型的机械性能设计组件特别有用。在较高的应变水平上保持高工作加强速率的能力使得钢在涉及最严重拉伸形成的应用中,与DP钢相比,钢成为更好的选择。
Influence of Carbon Content in TRIP Steels
The carbon content in TRIP steels is much higher than DP steels in order to stabilize the retained austenite phase at temperatures below the ambient temperature. Higher contents of silicon and/or aluminum promote the formation of ferrite/bainite. Hence, these elements help in sustaining the required amount of carbon within the retained austenite. Hindering carbide precipitation during bainitic transition seems to be critical for TRIP steels. Carbide precipitation in the bainite region can be avoided through the use of elements such as aluminum and silicon.
Figure 4.跳闸钢的拉伸强度延长图。
旅行350/600 |
框架导轨,轨道增援部队 |
旅行400/700 |
Side rail, crash box |
RIP 450/800 |
仪表板面板,车顶导轨 |
旅行600/980 |
B柱鞋面,车顶导轨,发动机摇篮,前后轨道,座椅框架 |
TRIP 750/980 |
该信息已从Worldautosteel(World Auto Steel)提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。欧洲杯足球竞彩