TPR includes block co-polymers such as Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene (SEBS) and Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS). SEBS is a fully saturated form of SBS with improved stability and weather-ability. The average molecular weight of these polymers is very high which prevents the materials from freely flowing. As a result, the viscosity measurements using capillary rheometers are hard to perform.
An oscillatory rheometer consisting of a closed cavity test chamber is the most appropriate test instrument for evaluating TPR samples. Other suitable instruments include the RPA flex and RPS elite. TPR’s with high to very high AMW do not flow upon melting. Such polymers can be sintered above melt temperature to produce a repeatable test piece. Pressure can be directly achieved in closed cell oscillatory rheometers.
The TPR materials act as a purely elastic material even under melting conditions, owing to their high molecular weight. This characteristic is illustrated in the Figure 1. While considering the viscosity power law model, η = k •ɣ̇(n-1), the pseudo plasticity index “n” is close to zero and (n-1) = -0.87 which is a property of quasi-purely elastic materials.
Figure 1.Purely elastic characteristic of TPR materials
Moreover, a Newtonian viscosity plateau occurs at frequencies below that measured byoscillatory rheometers.However, like a differential scanning calorimeter, dynamic testing can also be performed under a testing mode.
This type of testing monitors the viscoelastic properties of the material while continuously changing temperatures, and measures complex modulus (G*), and phase (δ) which provides useful data on hardness and transitions.
Figure 2.Graph illustrating the main transition δ peak around 95°C
Figure 3.Graph of G* versus temperature
闭塞oscillatory rheometerneeds to be programmed as below to carry out this analysis:
- 将SEB作为粉末或颗粒加载到底部的模具上,并在待机模式下关闭仪器。连续重复此过程,直到样品清晰为止,这表明在Spew通道中存在小物质闪光灯。将多余的材料放在样品上后,再次开始测试。
- 以中等频率和非常低应变的方式振荡样品以稳定材料行为。记录S和S”检查固定条件。
- 以中等频率进行可变的温度测试,并以1°C/min的温度速率从200°C到80°C。较高的温度速率可以降低过渡幅度。
- g*的绘图g*与G*的对数尺度上的温度仅在g*临时高原与在相同温度下的硬度成正比的地方
- 绘图切线δ与温度在线性尺度上
This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by TA Instruments.
For more information on this source, please visitTA乐器。