Insights from industry


Alan Nudelman, President of Composition Materials Co., Inc. (CMC), speaks to AZoM about the environmental issues that microbead plastics present to ecosystems and how their all-natural products can help solve this growing problem.

What natural products has CMC developed over the years for use by the cosmetics industry?



These offer excellent exfoliation action, product consistency and versatility for use in scrubs, soaps and personal care formulations. We also developed cosmetic applications for Pecan Shell and Almond Meal.

Walnut Shell for Cosmetics

图1。Walnut Shell for Cosmetics


We have helped many cosmetic companies in selecting the ingredient type and size that best suits their application and market.


In this instance, it refers to the ability for the ingredient to be replenished with each new crop. Since Walnut, Apricot, Almond, Pecan and Tagua are derived from fruits or nuts of trees, they are a replenished each year.

除此之外shells of Walnut, Apricot and Pecanare by-products of the food industry. These ingredients are sustainable and green; they do not require the mining of minerals and do not contain any chemical additives.

Do you have a large market for these products today?

It has been a large market for years. And recently, with many states passing legislation to ban the use of plastic Microbeads in personal care products, there is increased interest in natural raw ingredients. We expect the demand for natural products to grow as cosmetic companies and formulators worldwide look for Microbead alternatives.

Update:Since this article was written, theMicrobead-Free Waters Act of 2015has been signed into law, which bans the sale and manufacture of products containing plastic microbeads throughout the USA. The manufacturing ban comes into effect from July 2017, ahead of the previous state bans.


The biggest advantage is environmental. The harm caused by plastic Microbeads has led 7 states to pass legislation banning these tiny plastic particles from cosmetic products.

Research indicates that fish mistake microbeads for food and the plastics work their way up the food chain. The other advantage is sustainability. Cosmetic companies are looking at these natural products, such as Walnut, Apricot and Tagua, which are biodegradable.



Are there objections to natural products in the cosmetics industry?

We understand that cosmetics companies may prefer uniformity in color, as well as using a variety of colors that may not occur in nature. Some natural products are not as uniform in color. Our Tagua product is a natural white color and this can be a very good option.


Can you overcome these objections?

We have a long history of working with agricultural by-products all the way to our company's founding in 1923. For many years we have manufactured very consistent products in terms of supply and quality.

With regard to color preferences, this seems to be an evolving question that the industry will be weighing in its new formulations as required byMicrobead legislation。随着公众对Microbeads的影响越来越熟悉,也许消费者会更喜欢具有天然成分的产品。

Is there enough supply to satisfy the cosmetics industry?

We think so. So far we feel confident we can meet an increased demand with high quality product. Our figures indicate that we have secured supply to meet significant increases. We would love to be tested.

Apricot Pit Shell for Cosmetics

图3。Apricot Pit Shell for Cosmetics

Where are these products grown?

California is the largest grower. We have also worked with Turkey, Central and South America. With our Tagua, we are proud to have developed a sustainable supply in South America which employs many workers while respecting the rainforest environment.


About Alan Nudelman

lan Nudelman

艾伦·努德曼(Alan Nudelman)担任Contions Materials Co.,Inc。的总欧洲杯足球竞彩裁已有27年了。

Since 1923, Composition Materials has specialized in value added fillers and abrasives for industries worldwide including manufacturing, paint & coatings, aviation, aerospace, automotive, medical, non-skid, engineered surfaces and cosmetics.

Nearly all of the fillers and abrasives supplied by Composition Materials are manufactured from raw materials that are from recycled, sustainable or renewable sources.

Alan Nudelman has continued the tradition since the company’s founding in 1923 of developing ‘green’ products and their uses and applications.

For example, Composition Materials began producing ground walnut shell products in the 1950’s for filler applications and later in pressure blasting for paint removal and blast cleaning.

Ground walnut shells have unique characteristics due to their hardness and angularity of the particles. Furthermore, they are a renewable resource that is all-natural and biodegradable.

In the 1980’s, the cosmetics industry began to include natural raw ingredients and Composition Materials began supplying ground apricot shell and walnut shell for use in personal care products. For over 30 years, these have been used in formulations for scrubs, soaps and exfoliation products by cosmetics companies worldwide.

In response to industry demand, in 2005 Alan Nudelman developed an all-natural white exfoliation scrub made from tagua, a non-edible, sustainable and renewable rainforest product. Tagua is very attractive for cosmetic formulators looking for all-natural biodegradable ingredients where the color white in preferred.


As formulators are developing alternatives to microbeads, Composition Materials brings over 30 years of experience with natural cosmetics raw ingredients. Their all-natural tagua, apricot, walnut, and almond based products provide sustainable, renewable and biodegradable options for the industry.

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Alessandro Pirolini

Written by

Alessandro Pirolini

亚历山德罗(Alessandro)拥有伯明翰大学(University of Bi欧洲杯线上买球rmingham)的材料科学技术,专门从事磁性材料的野蛮人。欧洲杯足球竞彩毕业后,他完成了一个短暂的咒语,为气雾剂制造商工作,然后通过在意大利白云岩中成为滑雪代表5个月来追求对滑雪的热爱。返回英国后,亚历山德罗决定利用他对材料科学的知识来确保Azonetwork编辑团队的职位。欧洲杯线上买球当不上班时,亚历山德罗经常在Chill Factore,骑着他的公路自行车或观看尤文图斯连续赢得意大利联赛冠军。


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