Using Benchtop Proton NMR Spectroscopy to Determine the Main Organic Compounds Found in Common Household Products

在澳大利亚墨尔本的RMIT举行的分析仪器实验室课程的最后一年高中化学专业的学生使用Spinsolve进行了这项实验。该实验室实验已从Jeff Hughes博士提供的材料中进行了调整,以帮助将本科生引入NMR光谱法。


As a part of this experiment, students used1H-NMR spectroscopy用于识别典型的家用产品中存在的关键有机化合物,例如指甲油卸油剂,醋和烈酒。比较普通实验室溶剂和家用产品光谱的光谱以确定化合物。


从下面的列表中为学生分配了一个参考溶剂和一种家用产品。将每种液体加约0.5毫升到5mm NMR管。这1针对每个样品确定H-NMR光谱。光谱被分阶段并集成峰。从参考溶剂的NMR光谱获得的数据记录在表中。


家用产品: Reference solvent:
指甲油去除剂(粉红色) Acetone
指甲油去除剂(蓝色) Ethyl Acetate
摩擦酒精 乙醇
尖酸刻薄 醋酸
Methylated Spirits Isopropanol





2。Is the determined composition the same as that on the bottle label? In products that have one compound, is this key element mentioned on the bottle?


Example Spectra

Reference solvents

参考溶剂图 - 丙酮

Chemical Shift (ppm) 一体化 Multiplicity Assignment
1.8 - 单身 1

参考溶剂图 - 乙酸乙酯

Chemical Shift (ppm) 一体化 Multiplicity Assignment
3。6 2 四重奏 2
1.5 3 单身 1
0.7 3 triplet 3

Reference solvents graph - ethanol

Chemical Shift (ppm) 一体化 Multiplicity Assignment
4。5 1 单身
3。3 2 四重奏 1
0.9 3 triplet 2

Reference solvents graph - acetic acid

Chemical Shift (ppm) 一体化 Multiplicity Assignment
11.1 1 单身
1.6 3 单身 1

参考溶剂图 - 水

Chemical Shift (ppm) 一体化 Multiplicity Assignment
4。9 - 单身 1

Reference solvents graph - isopropanol

Chemical Shift (ppm) 一体化 Multiplicity Assignment
5.0 1 doublet
3。6 1 多重 1
0.8 6 doublet 2



这integrals observed in the above spectrum make it obvious that the pink nail polish remover sample has more than one compound. It is observed from the spectrum that the peaks are in regions almost the same as ethyl acetate with the peak integral at 1.6 ppm, seemingly a single compound was fixed to 3 (ethyl acetate methyl).

If one compound is ethyl acetate, the other compounds’ chemical shifts are almost the same as the ethyl chain of ethyl acetate. This, along with an exchangeable proton at 4ppm, indicates that the other compound is most probably ethanol.




Splitting of two methylene quartets and methyl triplets

图2。Splitting of two methylene quartets and methyl triplets


1.7 ppm的单线表征靠近乙酸乙酯羰基的甲基,因此考虑了三个质子。基于此事实执行其余积分的归一化。乙酸乙酯的其他甲基更高场,与乙醇甲基一致。

5.25质子中的三个与乙酸乙酯的甲基相关,因为积分的归一化是对1.7 ppm singlet进行的。因此,其余2.25质子是乙醇的甲基。可交换质子和亚甲峰都在4.3和2.9ppm之间遇到下场。

还包括乙酸乙酸乙酯的亚甲基,其中包括6.61质子中的两个。该区域中有三个质子由乙醇 - OH和亚甲基产生。因此,乙醇与积分中的2.25质子相关。其余2.36质子可以归因于水。

Integrals Assignment Integral of 1 proton Mass (g) Volume (mL) % Composition (v/v)
6。61 3。00 5.25 全部的 - - 总计= 162.71 100
2。00 3。00 3。00 乙酸乙酯 1。00 88.11 97.68 60.0
2。25 0 2。25 乙醇 0.75 34.55 43.79 26。9
2。36 0 0 1。18 21.24 21.24 13。1


蓝色指甲油的去除剂的光谱几乎与粉红色的光谱相同。但是,它在1.8 ppm处另一个峰值。仅在频谱中就可以看到这个峰。丙酮是唯一包括一个峰值的参考溶剂。这意味着蓝色指甲油去除剂含有乙醇,乙酸乙酯,丙酮和水。以下光谱的叠加验证了这些发现。

Blue nail polish remover spectrum

图3。Blue nail polish remover spectrum


Integrals Assignment Integral of 1 proton Mass (g) Volume (mL) % Composition (v/v)
1。03 1。00 6。29 全部的 - - 全部的= 76.46 100
1。03 1。00 6。29 Isopropanol 1 60.1 76.46 100

尖酸刻薄’s NMR spectrum has two peaks. The 5ppm large peak may indicate water. The other peak is a singlet. Two reference solvents, having a separate, up-field singlet - acetone and acetic acid, are present. The acetone peak is anticipated to seem more shielded, about 1.5ppm. The peak present in the reference solvent of acetic acid is 1.3ppm. However, since acetic acid is organic, there may be a variation in the chemical shift with pH and concentration.


Benefits of the Spinsolve™ benchtop NMR spectrometer



Cost Reduction

  • In comparison to high field, low cost to purchase
  • Possible to use non-deuterated solvents
  • 低功耗
  • It is possible to use Budget NMR tubes


  • 附近 - 它很容易适合任何实验室长凳
  • Rapid sample exchange is possible with standard 5mm NMR tubes
  • 快速 - 学生可以方便地进行工作
  • Easy to use – Innovative and simple software
  • Safe – There is no stray magnetic field


  • Allows guiding NMR education
  • 只需10秒即可获得高分辨率的NMR数据
  • It is now available with 2D, multi-pulse experiments (2DJRes, COSY) and 19F Fluorine
  • 使用NMR,教职员工和学生获得动手实践经验

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Magritek.

For more information on this source, please visitMagritek



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    马格里特克。2019。Using Benchtop Proton NMR Spectroscopy to Determine the Main Organic Compounds Found in Common Household Products。azom, viewed 14 December 2021, //

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