US Army’s Legendary Blackhorse Regiment Expedites Work Requests with Jet Edge Precision Waterjet Cutting System

Jet Edge Inc. have announced the installation of a Jet Edge precision waterjet cutting system by the U.S. Army's 11thArmored Calvary Regiment (ACR), at its home base in Fort Irwin, California. The 11thACR, "the Blackhorse Regiment," is recognized for its tough and rigorous standards, and is widely considered the Best Opposing force in the globe.

该团在汤姆·克兰西(Tom Clancy)的小说《执行命令》中获得了荣誉。11thACR helps the USA have the world’s best trained military force, by serving as the Opposing Force in simulated conflicts at the Army's National Training Center (NTC).


The Service & Recovery Section, a support section within the Regiment's Maintenance Troop, Regimental Support Squadron (RSS), operates the 11thACR's Jet Edge Mid Rail Gantry waterjet system (Figure 1). The 20-soldier section is in charge of the welding and machining of fabricated components and provides recovery support to the Regiment. The 11thACR的商店还配备了焊接机,车床,CNC铣削以及WaterJet系统。


Figure 1.一个水夹切牌,用于离开的士兵。照片由美国陆军提供-11th装甲旋转团。

该部门负责人的首席认股官Two Alphonso L. Ash,Jr。解释说,该团决定购买水夹系统以帮助加快其工作要求。昂贵且运输时间很长的组件可以使用水夹系统生产,以缩短延迟并增加操作准备。


A wide variety of metals, from aluminum to armored steel with a thickness from 1/8 inch to 3 inches, are cut using the waterjet system. Prior to this, a plasma torch, oxy-acetylene torches and shear were used by the soldiers to cut these metals manually.

CW2(P) Ash described the waterjet system as unique, because it allows components to be created using the computer-based software (SigmaNEST®) and cut out after the component has been built (Figures 2 and 3). Immediate handling of the components following the cutting process without the risk of heat as in the case of plasma torch or OXY/Acetylene is another advantage.

SPC Roberts和PFC Adams正在编程并使用Sigmanest®软件建立了一部分。

Figure 2.SPC Roberts and PFC Adams are programming and building a part with the SigmaNEST®软件。照片由美国陆军提供-11th装甲旋转团。

SPC Roberts,SPC Hodge和PFC Adams正在切割使用Sigmanest建造的部分® software.

Figure 3.SPC Roberts,SPC Hodge和PFC Adams正在切割使用Sigmanest建造的部分®软件。照片由美国陆军提供-11th装甲旋转团。

The section produced a range of components within the first month of using the Jet Edge system. This includes; spanner wrenches (Figure 4), ornamental fixtures, electrical covers, transmission shifting linkages, and battery shims.

PVS-15 spanner wrench cut on the waterjet.

Figure 4.PVS-15 spanner wrench cut on the waterjet. Photo courtesy U. S. Army - 11th装甲旋转团。


CW2(P)Ash解释说,喷气边缘系统是该部分商店的出色工具和宝贵的资产,他已将此设备推荐给同行作为其商店设置的一部分。2020欧洲杯下注官网Jet Edge总裁裘德·拉格(Jude Lague)很荣幸被选为传奇团的水夹系统制造商。

此信息已从Jet Edge,Inc。提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。欧洲杯足球竞彩

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Jet Edge,Inc。


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