Potentially the most noted performance factor for QPS is the mass stability. Typical specifications for mass drift are 0.1 Da over 48 hours. To demonstrate the outstanding mass stability performance, a QPS was operated at 2.9 MHz to drive a 19 mm Tri-filter QMF configured as part of a MAX instrument with a mass range of 1 to 50 Daltons.
连续收集数据76小时。图1显示了从四个小时间隔进行的数据集的19个扫描叠加的覆盖层。峰位置移动仅为0.0008 daltons,这意味着在76小时的工作期间基本上没有运动。
图1。76小时的质量稳定性,光谱每4小时提取总体std 0.0008 da
Extrel的“ Merlin”软件应用程序中的可编程质量位置命令用于移动峰位置,直到可识别更改为止,因此可以在视觉上确定质量漂移的限制。仅使用Merlin自动化数据系统仅通过0.01 DA移动的峰值如图2所示。
Figure 2.质量0.01 da质量转移
In order to test the start-up mass drift, the mass position at the end of a 4-day experiment was compared with the mass position from a cold start, and for various times in between (Table 1). Exceptional mass stability was, once again, demonstrated as the initial start-up mass position was less than 0.06 Da from the mass position four days later.
Elapsed Time from Cold Start (hours) |
归一化质量(DA) |
Difference from Final Mass Position (Da) |
0 |
28.0536 |
0.0536 |
1 |
28.0421 |
0.0421 |
2 |
28.0386 |
0.0386 |
4 |
28.0286 |
0.0286 |
8 |
28.0185 |
0.0185 |
12 |
28.011 |
0.011 |
16 |
28.0035 |
0.0035 |
96 |
28 |
0 |
Figure 3.Resolution Impact on Intensity
Figure 1 also shows that the width of the peak - the resolution - is also incredibly stable over the full 76-hour measurement period. The peak width (ΔM), defined as the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM), is considered in order to evaluate the resolution stability of the Extrel QPS, and the peak width over the period of the test is collected using Extrel’s Merlin software.
虽然最大高度的平均宽度为0.05829 DA,但标准偏差仅为0.0004 DA。像质量稳定性一样,任何分辨率漂移均无法识别。
Extrel QPS产品表现良好,因为它们具有足够的灵活性,可以驱动Extrel的“最大”范围特定的四极杆质谱仪以及Extrel的任何独立四极杆质量过滤器(QMFS)。

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