图片来源:Zern Liew/Shutterstock.com
Closely related to the centrifuge device, whose separation force is achievable by rotation of the entire equipment, the hydrocyclone instead depends upon the movement of the centrifugal forces within the fluids to allow for adequate particle separation. In 1891, E. Bretney patented the first hydrocyclone, and from this time through 1948, a large number of patents continued to be granted on this technology.
In 1939, Dutch State Mines (DSM) was the first company that utilized hydrocyclone technology as a means of both cleaning coal and dewatering sand. Since its introduction into the marketplace, hydrocyclones continue to be used today as a means of dewatering sand, however, its applications have stretched to other industries including industrial minerals, hard rock mining, aggregates, coal and many more. With their simple design and complete lack of moving parts, hydrocyclone technology offers industries a relatively inexpensive way to separate materials safely and simply to accommodate their needs.
自1978年以来,Minco Tech澳大利亚一直是澳大利亚矿产加工业的氢碳酮的领先设计师和供应商。
Minco Tech在全球层面上继续进行旋风技术的研究和开发的特定奉献精神,为其旋风技术提供了许多不同的设计参数,可为涉及钻石,煤炭,黄金和镍的特定项目优化。
同样,麦克拉纳汉公司(McLanahan Corporation)为客户提供各种氢化气囊设备,以满足其特定的工业需求。麦克拉纳汉分离器TM值例如,是有史以来第一个真空辅助的氢化环节,其独特的几何形状使该产品成为库存堆积和阶段间加工需求的标准。
The SeparatorTM值配备了橡胶底流调节器,以及装有空气阀的溢流管,可轻轻调节和混合空气中的空气中,从而使一致的下流密度不管施加的饲料密度如何。
梅斯索(Metso)是一家150年历史的工业公司TM值Series. Referred to as the next generation of hydrocyclones, the MHCTM值系列允许具有显着降低线性磨损潜力的锋利粒子。
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