Rotary Lobe Compressors – Benefits of Two Rotor Profiles

positive displacement blowers

独特的专业知识来自正排量吹风机和螺丝式压缩机的领域:这是开发新的创新未来技术的中心,该技术是Delta Hybrid,这是世界上第一系列的旋转瓣压缩机

Delta Hybrid

Delta Hybrid is a synergy of blower and compressor technology that offers totally new opportunities for the generation of positive and negative pressure of air and neutral gases, owing to the design-based amalgamation of the benefits of both systems.

共有七项专利或专利申请,Delta Hybridis one of the most innovative products in the compressor technology category. For lower pressure ranges, the Roots Principle of isochoric compression is the first choice, while in higher pressure ranges, the screw-compression principle with internal compression is used.

该单元概念基于Aerzen著名和成功的Delta系列(Delta Blower和Delta螺丝),但这是沿着系统的线条进行的。

versatility in Numbers

  • 吸入量流速从110 m3/h至9.000 m3/H
  • Overpressures up to 1,500 mbar
  • Control range from 25 to 100%
  • Nominal sizes DN 100 to DN 300


  • Drinking water treatment
  • Wastewater cleaning
  • 湖泊,河流和更多的通风


  • Reduced life-cycle costs
  • Amazing energy efficiency
  • High levels of reliability, long service life
  • 大大增加了应用和压力范围
  • processed air is 100% free of oil and absorbing material
  • Reduced maintenance requirements
  • Made by AERZEN


Two Profiles, One Packaged Unit

Delta混合动力车是阳性位移鼓风机和螺丝压缩机的合成合成。高级rotary lobe compressoruses two different rotor profiles in a single system: A twisted 3+3 blower profile, providing for lower pressure differences up to 800 mbar. Alongside that is a 3+4 compressor profile, built for higher pressures up to 1,500 mbar.

The outcome is a new level of cost efficiency for compressed air applications. Compared to positive displacement blowers, the processed air is moved diagonally via the stage. Here, conveying chambers are designed from the rotors and the walls of the housing. An important difference here is that, based on the rotor profile, internal compression and increased volumetric efficiency can be realized.


Specially designed 3+4 compressor profile with interior compression for lower pressure applications.

3+3 blower profile

3+3 blower profile with twisted shafts and patented pulse charging as well as lower crushing losses.

扭曲的3+3旋转活塞轮廓的压缩原理(Delta Hybrid L)

Basically, the twisted rotary pistons use isochoric compression, similar to a straight positive displacement blower. This profile, along with the stage concept, utilizes physical effects to accomplish an energy advantage. The diagonal inflow of the medium, along with the flow-opening of the conveying chamber, decreases the recoil and thereby ensures that the blower stage is filled more efficiently. The so-called gas-dynamic shock is also utilized to attain a pre-compression of the medium in the conveying chamber. This boosts the volumetric efficiency of this blower.

ηv: Volumetric efficiency ηv= Q1/ q0
1: Usable volume flow





Delta Hybrid L

pk=PTh+ Pv=Q0*(Δp +pv

It is obvious; the pressure difference (Δp) has a direct impact on the coupling performance Pk。压力差可以通过以下公式很容易描述:

Δp= p2-p1


The impact of internal compression on the power requirement becomes more evident for a screw profile.

压缩原理3+4螺丝曲线(Delta Hybrid S/H)

When a medium is compressed using a screw profile, then only marginal isochoric compression occurs. The majority of the necessary compression power is attained by internal compression. This signifies energy savings when compared to isochoric compression as the pressure ratio within the stage is predefined. If the internal pressure ratio matches the downstream system pressure, then this non-energy efficient isochoric compression would not take place. The process air is also transferred diagonally through the stage for the screw profile. The conveying chamber is also formed by the rotor profile and the stage housing.

The meshing of the rotors prevents a backflow between the rotors and thus fixes the conveying direction. The rotation movement of the screw moves the medium from the upper intake side to the opposing discharge side. As a result of the predefined size of the opening of this discharge side, the medium is pre-compressed to a specified pressure.

Based on the system pressure, this internal compression has a benefit over isochoric compression, in that it already transports the medium into the system at a predefined admission pressure. This means that the energy requirement that would otherwise have been used to act against the system pressure is not already partially (or, in an ideal case, completely) utilized in the stage. The result is lower power consumption.

3+4个螺丝曲线(Delta Hybrid S/H)

These power savings using the p-V diagram can be illustrated as shown above. Assuming that the plane of this diagram matches to the required power consumption, isochoric compression (of a positive displacement blower) for a system pressure of 1 bar (ü) would require the power as illustrated by the plane created by the dotted line (----------). Here, there is internal precompression in the stage to 0.8 bar (ü). This internal compression needs less power, as the solid-line curve in the diagram reveals. The medium is transported into the system with an admission-pressure of 0.8 bar (ü).

这意味着等效压缩需要0.2 bar(ü)。这在紫色矩形(1)的图中显示了这一点。内部和等距压缩平面之间的差异表示压缩相同体积所需的不同功耗水平。

3+4个螺丝曲线(Delta Hybrid S/H)


Approximately 90% of the life-cycle costs of a compressor are energy based. This figure signifies a challenge anywhere where environmental concerns and international competitiveness demand the use of all resource potential. But Aerzen is up to the challenge: they offer energy savings of up to 15% with an ROI that, based on volume flow and compression rates, can be recouped after two years. That is what theDelta Hybrid代表。

Aerzen Machines Ltd

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Aerzen Machines Ltd.

For more information on this source, please visitAerzen Machines Ltd



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    Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH。(2020, January 06). Rotary Lobe Compressors – Benefits of Two Rotor Profiles. AZoM. Retrieved on May 17, 2022 from //

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    Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH。"Rotary Lobe Compressors – Benefits of Two Rotor Profiles".AZoM。17 May 2022. .

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    Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH。"Rotary Lobe Compressors – Benefits of Two Rotor Profiles". AZoM. // (accessed May 17, 2022).

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    Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH。2020。Rotary Lobe Compressors – Benefits of Two Rotor Profiles。AZoM, viewed 17 May 2022, //

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