
克里斯蒂安多普勒(Christian Doppler)于1842年发现的多普勒效应对我们大多数人都很熟悉。波浪等波的固定观察者将看到波长,这些波长取决于观察者和源之间的相对运动。如果源接近它们,则波长似乎会短(压缩) - 如果源退缩,则波长似乎会拉伸。


这种频移用于各种不同行业的测量,以及ultrasonic doppler flowmeterscan employ this to measure flow rates in so-called dirty liquids. These are those that contain acoustical discontinuities such suspended particles, entrained gas bubbles or turbulence vortexes, which can make measuring sound waves ordinarily difficult.

Ultrasonic pulses or beams can be transmitted into pipes containing these acoustically dirty liquids; they will reflect with a Doppler change in frequency that depends on the flow of the liquid. Observing the frequency shift allows the flow rate to be calculated from this, rather than the velocity of the fluid which can be harder to measure; the method is therefore based on the velocity of the discontinuities, and can be used for liquids such as certain wastewaters, slurries, sludges, crude oils, phosphates and pulp stocks.


Ultrasonic Doppler Flow Sensor

Ultrasonic Doppler Flow Sensor

However, it won’t work if the discontinuities are greater than 45% or if the bubbles are very fine and in high concentrations; discontinuities at these extremes attenuate the reflected signal making it resemble the background noise of the pipe. The same is true for acoustically absorbent slurries, such as lime and kaolin.

100微米/100份百万液体等于1 MHz换能器频率。对于每秒速度的每一英尺,典型的6Hz移位是典型的。因此,超声测量对于每秒小于½英尺的流速度不实用。尚无人知道该系统可以测量的速度有多高,尽管上限大于每秒50英尺。


Ultrasonic Doppler Flow Sensor







新的在线,单路FDT100系列来自欧米茄工程的许多优点导致运输时间流量计成为清洁液体使用的标准(没有声性不连续性。and don’t need filtration.


Specialist equipment can be purchased that can handle liquids that are very hot, such as molten metals, or very cold – liquid nitrogen and other cryogenic liquids as cold as -300C. For low-flow applications, specialist transit-time flowmeters can also be used. Axial and coaxial transit-time flowmeters, for in-line use with pipes as small as 0.5 inches are particularly sensitive and can measure flows that are many times smaller than the pipe diameter.

Transit-time flowmeters can be used across a range of viscosities, providing Reynolds number at minimum flow is under 4,000 (laminar flow) or over 10,000 (turbulent flow). However, in the transition regime between laminar and turbulent flow, there are serious non-linearities which mean they can’t easily be used.


Until recently, clean liquids and Doppler flowmeters were incompatible. You could try aerating the flow and introducing bubbles for clean water, for example – this adds acoustical discontinuities, but is tedious and the bubbles need to be large and present in a high enough concentration. However, now multi-liquid Doppler flowmeters avoid this problem. Omega’s FD-7000 can measure dirty liquids in the ordinary way, but with clean liquids it senses ultrasonic waves reflecting off turbulent swirls.





此信息已从Omega Engineering Ltd提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。欧洲杯足球竞彩



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