Thermoplastic composites have, since their advent 15 years ago, provided aircraft manufacturers with a strong, resilient structural composite. Aerospace design permittable databases are available for commercial and military applications.
The commercial side occupies the larger volume of applications, with structural applications ranging from leading edges to engine pylon doors to beams and brackets. Uses are highly variable, applied in a broad spectrum from interior galleries and overhead bins to sound suppression structure on aircraft engine nacelles.
OEM’s have recently renewed the interest in thermoplastics. A variety of key reasons are driving this trend, all encouraging the selection of thermoplastic composites.
Primarily, the fabrication of very low void content thermoplastic structure without using an autoclave is becoming possible due to automation solutions and the development of very low void thermoplastic unitapes. Composite part production has been advanced by novel machine technologies developed by equipment and part vendors, such as ACM/Experion, Automated Dynamics, Cutting Dynamics and Fiberforge.
其次,通过电阻或感应焊接技术融合热塑料的能力是通过固定固定器消除成本和体重来最大程度地减少成本和重量的可行方法。例如,使用感应焊接制造了湾流的Gulfstream通过Fokker Aerostructures的G650商务喷气机的尾部组件。这种结构达到了10%的节省重量,而20%的人比热固件复合结构降低了成本。GydF4y2Ba
At this temperature, the polymers can be molded. Usually, the temperatures at which the amorphous thermoplastics can be molded are closer to their TGGydF4y2Ba比半晶聚合物。但是,应注意,无定形热塑性塑料对某些溶剂的耐药性较弱。GydF4y2Ba
The Main Thermoplastic Used in Composites Today
- 聚乙醚 - 酮(PEEK) - 半晶结构GydF4y2Ba
- Poly-ether-ketone-ketone (PEKK) – a semi-crystalline structure
- 聚乙醚 - 酰亚胺(PEI) - 无定形结构GydF4y2Ba
- Poly-phenylene-sulfide (PPS) – a semi-crystalline structure
- 尼龙 - 可以是无定形或半晶结构GydF4y2Ba
Material Forms
It is then transported to a place where thermoforming process complex bits can be formed (rib stiffeners) in under five minutes. OEM’s typically write their specifications with many different orientations, fabric, and resin forms, permitting users to refer by grade, class, resin and orientation. The materials are called Cetex RTL by Toray, where RLT is short for reinforced thermoplastic laminate.
通过胶带铺设,连续的压缩成型或纤维胶带放置(原位),该表格可提供更广泛的自动化解决方案。这些产品由Toray提供,以“ CETEX Thermo-Lite”品牌名称提供。GydF4y2Ba
- 良好的耐用性和抵抗力GydF4y2Ba
- 使用短周期时间热成型零件生产方法的能力GydF4y2Ba
- Storage capable at room temperature allowing the production of large structures without the restrictions of out-time constraints
- 有限的水分吸收GydF4y2Ba
- 阻燃性GydF4y2Ba
- Capacity to re-form parts
- 非常低的void含量GydF4y2Ba
- Options to part production without using autoclaves
- Higher temperatures during processing
- 初始原材料成本与热眠者相比是原始成本GydF4y2Ba
- 通常成本更高的工具GydF4y2Ba
- Conventional part maker inexperience with current thermoplastic composite processing options
One of the primary worries when using composites for structural purposes is its ability to absorb energy without cracking upon impaction, or the resistance to crack propagation if there are miniscule flaws within the part. In general, thermoplastics are tougher than thermoset counterparts. This is an important advantage, given that composites often show no surface damage even if the interior is damaged.
在室温下存储GydF4y2Ba- 鉴于在热塑性复合材料中没有化学反应,因此在室温下不会降解预化合物,因此可以将其保存在那里。因此,消除了冷藏和冷运输,通常使热塑性复合使用的物流难以难以消除。此外,它消除了一个因素,从而可以实现更复杂的零件。GydF4y2Ba
重建GydF4y2Ba– Thermoplastic materials can be re-formed since they can be repeatedly heated and cooled without an effect on their properties. It also allows for the recycling of materials, as parts can be split and used as feed materials in other processes such as injection molding or compression molding.
Higher processing temperatures- 在使用聚合物时,在玻璃过渡温度上方的处理聚合物是使用热塑性复合材料时的问题之一。使用聚合物时,通常将玻璃过渡温度视为使用温度。下表总结了不同热塑性聚合物的工艺温度和玻璃过渡温度。GydF4y2Ba
聚合物GydF4y2Ba |
TGGydF4y2Ba |
过程温度GydF4y2Ba |
形态学GydF4y2Ba |
窥视GydF4y2Ba |
290°F(143°C)GydF4y2Ba |
715° - 740°F(380°-395°C)GydF4y2Ba |
半晶GydF4y2Ba |
423°F (217°C) |
575° - 625°F(300°-330°C)GydF4y2Ba |
无定形GydF4y2Ba |
ppsGydF4y2Ba |
192°F(89°C)GydF4y2Ba |
550° - 620°F(290°-325°C)GydF4y2Ba |
半晶GydF4y2Ba |
佩克GydF4y2Ba |
312°F (156°C) |
645° – 690°F (340° - 365° C) |
半晶GydF4y2Ba |
尼龙 - 11GydF4y2Ba |
108°F(42°C)GydF4y2Ba |
360° – 400°F (180° - 205° C) |
半晶GydF4y2Ba |
尼龙 - 6GydF4y2Ba |
116°F(47°C)GydF4y2Ba |
415° – 450°F (210° - 230° C) |
半晶GydF4y2Ba |
工具GydF4y2Ba- 金属工具通常用于热塑性零件,因为处理过程中所需的温度较高,并且在某些形成过程中使用的压力更高。最初,这可能会更加昂贵,但是,可以在原型制作过程中使用铝工具。这有助于通过降低成本和交货时间进行调解。通常建议使用钢工具进行生产应用。GydF4y2Ba
Other Considerations Associated with Thermoplastics
Cost effective thermoplastic production is being facilitated by improvements in automated techniques. These improvements address the desire of the composite industry to lessen composite part processing costs.
- 自动纤维放置和胶带放置GydF4y2Ba
- 某些公司使用热塑性复合折叠和狭缝胶带来制造零件。在这里,将胶带放置在压力和温度下的mandrel或工具上,将其放置时巩固材料。这意味着不需要其他处理。GydF4y2Ba
- 所用的单位形状需要具有较低的空隙含量,因为它是相对较低的压力过程。用于生产热塑性型晶管的Toray技术除了出色的聚合物分布外,还可以固有地提供低空。下面的显微照片显示了在低压下产生的热塑性固定层层压板。GydF4y2Ba
A cross section photo showing Toray’s TC1200 PEEK unitape laminates. Note the very even resin distribution around the carbon fiber tows and the low void content in the laminate. Image Credit: Toray Advanced Composites
- Thermoforming
- 用于热塑性复合材料和非增强塑料的热成型过程是类似的。该过程涉及加热合并的热塑性层压板到加工温度。这通常是使用红外加热器完成的,这可能需要几秒钟或几分钟的时间才能使零件变暖到正确的温度。然后,该零件被移至邮票站,该零件由雄性和女性模具形成。热成型过程通常需要少于五分钟。GydF4y2Ba
- 机器人上篮GydF4y2Ba
- 可以通过机械快速完成设计的纤维方向上的热塑性胶带。使用局部加热源,将圆圆固定在一起,从而产生可以将其压缩并将其热成型分成部分的空白。GydF4y2Ba
- Continuous compression molding (CCM)
- CCM是一种自动化的半连续生产工艺,具有使用热塑性复合材料产生高度形状的轮廓或基本无限长度的平面面板的能力。GydF4y2Ba
Thermoplastics will carry on finding more applications with its additional advantages of toughness, the capability to join structures by welding, storage at room temperature, near unrestricted shelf life, and new advances in automation.

此信息已从Toray Advanced Composites -Aerospace提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。欧洲杯足球竞彩GydF4y2Ba
有关此来源的更多信息,请访问Toray Advanced Composites -Aerospace。GydF4y2Ba