Determination of the Acid Number According to ASTM D664 and the Base Number in Fresh Motor Oil

Refined petroleum products are evaluated using the acid number (AN) and base number (BN) which are vital in their quality control and validation. This Application Note describes how to carry out a potentiometric determination of the AN in compliance with ASTM D644 using a reduced solvent volume of 60 mL. It also describes how to determine the BN using a fully automated OMNIS system. A dSolvtrode was used for this indication.




4 – 7 g of the sample is accurately weighed into a sample beaker to which the device automatically adds 60 mL solvent. The stirred sample is then titrated with the corresponding titrant until the equivalence point is passed.






New motor oil sample.

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    Metrohm AG。(2020, May 15). Determination of the Acid Number According to ASTM D664 and the Base Number in Fresh Motor Oil. AZoM. Retrieved on July 05, 2021 from //

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    Metrohm AG。“根据ASTM D664和新鲜马达油中的基数确定酸值的测定”。AZoM。2021年7月5日。

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    Metrohm AG。“根据ASTM D664和新鲜马达油中的基数确定酸值的测定”。Azom。//。(访问于7月05,2021)。

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    Metrohm AG。2020.Determination of the Acid Number According to ASTM D664 and the Base Number in Fresh Motor Oil。Azom,于7月20日浏览05年7月5日,//。


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