

Fenella G. France博士的采访,介绍了将在Pittcon 2019上发表的全体演讲背后的想法。


遗产科学是涵盖文化欧洲杯线上买球遗产的所有跨学科科学研究的新术语 - 所有不同类型的机构(博物馆,美术馆,图书馆,档案馆)和多种遗产材料的范围 - 来自不可移动的雕塑,小考古学欧洲杯足球竞彩,建筑物,书籍,绘画等。

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这不仅是我们正在使用的一种材料,还需要具有许多不同材料的专业知识和经验。欧洲杯足球竞彩这包括但不限于:纸张(纤维素),蛋白质,羊皮,羊毛,羊毛,玻璃,金属,颜料,墨水,墨水,声音录音,现代聚合物,陶瓷,纤维,现代储物材料 - 列表非常宽,非常宽欧洲杯足球竞彩各种各样的。

Another challenge is that often useful information is obtained from destructive testing techniques, so much of the development in my lab and the field over the past 10+ years is expanding our capability for non-invasive techniques that cause no harm to collection items. We are the ones in the trade show asking manufacturers weird questions about a new and novel way of using some technique, and always for open-architecture instrumentation that allow us to analyse from the surface, non-invasively, of objects that are not usually small or easily manipulated.

文化遗产和保护科学如何联系在一起?我们的作品将在我在Pittcon 2019的全体演讲欧洲杯线上买球中进行探讨,我将通过示例来解释我们的工作和面临的挑战。通过在Pittcon分享我的故事,我希望参与并鼓励新同事合作并与我们分享他们的专业知识,以保护我们的文化遗产。

Cultural heritage covers the broader set of activities, preventive, management, cross-disciplinary collaborations between related fields. Conservation science traditionally supported conservation of objects within heritage institution. Often this is to characterize the state of the object, how might a treatment impact it or how can the paper/parchment/glass etc be stabilized. Therefore, cultural heritage and conservation science are fully connected, but heritage science as considered a broader all encompassing term.



What is meant by the term “cultural heritage preservation database” and how can it be used to evaluate deterioration?

This is an initiative I have been working on for a while, to make our data and research more accessible and sharable with colleagues.

The Preservation Research and Testing Division (PRTD) has developed a preservation science infrastructure for collecting preservation data, standardizing the metadata for the description of materials, instruments and test methods, using open source software. The infrastructure initiative – the Center for Library Analytical Scientific Samples Digital (CLASS-D) is a transformative methodology that links multiple analyses to one sample or object, and potentially multiple samples in a project to previous longitudinal research studies.

这项工作的一个关键组成部分是确保使用的词汇与现有术语相关联,以确保真正的链接开放数据(LOD)方法。PRTD目前正在研究源自CIDOC CRM的LOD选项,用于建模保护,保存和遗产数据。

As part of the CLASS-D initiative, the Data Visualization Project (DVP) provides an interactive interface for diverse audiences to engage with conservation, preservation and heritage data. Utilizing the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) and the Mirador viewer, a rendering of the object is annotated with conservation, curatorial and preservation science data. The critical aspect with these linked annotations is the capacity to hover over terms and descriptions that are linked open data terms such as from the Getty or IUPAC Gold books for scientific terms.

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How can analytical techniques help preserve our cultural heritage for future generations?





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We now use spectral imaging as the first technique to “map” the spectral response of materials across the surfaces of heritage materials. From that mapping, we can then use that information to see what materials are similar or different. For example, we may ask, "are the blues the same?". We then learn from this information to determine if we need to add additional analytical techniques to characterize the object. These further analysis techniques include - fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) x-ray fluorescence (XRF), Raman spectroscopy etc.




About Dr Fenella G. France

法国Fenella G.法国博士

Dr. France is Chief of the Preservation Research and Testing Division at the Library of Congress researching non-destructive imaging techniques, and prevention of environmental degradation to collections. Her current focus is the development of spectral imaging and image processing techniques, and increasing links and access between scientific and scholarly data, developing and providing training workshops to preservation professionals. She received her Ph.D. from Otago University, New Zealand.

在奥塔哥(Otago)演讲后,她是史密森尼学会(Smithsonian Institution)的星条旗项目的研究科学家。她是针对文化对象的聚合物衰老和环境恶化的国际专家,重点是机械性能与环境破坏和治疗方案的化学变化之间的联系。


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