How to Measure the Physical Properties of Hair and Hair Products

Today’s consumers are demanding healthier, shinier hair with a more natural look and feel. Hair fixatives can modify hair by imparting a permanent set and by increasing the stiffness of a fiber assembly. Instead of stiff fixed styles, consumers want hair fixatives that hold without being sticky, stiff, or unnatural to the touch. However, the consumer perception of “touchable” hair fixative products actually comprises a number of physical and aesthetic characteristics. “Touchable” includes the flexibility of the style set, the softness of the hair, the “memory” properties of the style, and the lack of stickiness. The next generation of hair fixative polymers will reflect these new sensory performance measures.

在质量和沙龙市场中发现的大多数发型造型产品都包含将头发固定到位的合成聚合物。但是,天然衍生的聚合物(例如改良的淀粉)可以提供类似的发质特性,并具有可接触式固定,低结合和自然感觉的附加优势。这种公式修改需要客观方法来量化这些主张。需要采用各种测试来评估头发的一系列物理品质,这些物理品质可能会受到配方变化的影响。纹理分析提供了测量头发和护发产品的所有物理特性的能力。这TA.XTPLUS纹理分析仪enables tests to be performed in either compressive or tensile mode via a huge selection of attachments to hold the samples in order to provide the desired test action to measure the required property.



One of the methods that are used to determine conditioning efficiency is combability. Wet combability is measured under controlled conditions with an objective method using aHair Combing Rig,其中纹理分析仪测量将湿发色板(或TRESS)通过梳子拉出所需的梳子力。通常有必要先缠结,然后在测量之前以受控且可重现的方式缠结头发。仅包含水的空白色板通过测试运行以建立初始基准测试。然后,将测试解决方案应用于同一色板,并再次测量可容纳性,以确定例如,护发素是否提供了对梳子的任何改进。最大梳理力和完成的总工作被视为比较度量。降低的梳子和工作(通常以处理经过处理的毛发的术语为百分比计算,与用空白配方处理的同一tr,即没有聚合物)意味着更轻松,可用于证实提高可管理性的主张。

梳子力评估对于评估干毛的平衡同样有效。所有改良的头发类型(例如,接受化学处理(漂白),脱夹(通过溶剂提取)和聚合物处理的头发)均显示出通过梳子测量量化的干燥作用力的增加。与维珍头发相比,所有修饰的头发类型的梳子工作(g cm)和力与TRESS距离的函数将大大更高血清干燥的头发。





拉伸握把can be used to support hair fibres to determine stiffness/bending strength

拉伸握把can be used to support hair fibers to determine stiffness/bending strength





How to Measure Wax Stickiness

Hair waxes and pomades are the ultimate flexible styling product but are potentially heavy and greasy if not used in the correct quantity. They primarily hold hair through seam welds. This holding power is created by the waxy materials’ internal stickiness or cohesiveness. The waxy materials do not “dry” because they are not water-soluble. The positive benefits of not drying means that the bonds can be easily remolded by running your hands through your hair – the negative aspect is one of the potential stickiness of formulations.

Exponent software provides the means of controlling the TA.XTplus Texture Analyser in a specialized Adhesive Test. A气缸探针或者球形探针,如果产物表面不平坦,则将指定的力施加到样品表面的指定时间(以在两个表面之间达到良好的键),然后移开乘积,以便在这一点上分离两者测量表面并用作衡量产品粘性/粘合性/粘性的量度。绝对正值的大小对应于“粘性”。轮廓下的面积表示将蜡与探针分开所需的能量,称为“粘附的工作”。最大峰值力越大,粘性越是样本。

Cylinder probe and typical graphs

Cylinder probe and typical graphs

全面摘要typical texture analysis teststhat can be performed on hair and haircare products:

Cosmetics & Skincare Product Texture Measurement & Analysis

该信息已从稳定的Micro Systems Ltd提供的材料中采购,审查和调整。欧洲杯足球竞彩

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Stable Micro Systems Ltd.


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