
Petrochemical and petroleum refining industries continue to be crucial to the global economy. They provide products like gasoline, heating fuel, diesel, fertilizers, solvents, rubber, plastic, detergents, cosmetics and a number of other indispensable consumables.

Petrochemical plants and refineries may be considered among the most prized industrial assets in the world. The hydrocarbon processing business is also an industry with high numbers of hazards; there are potential exposures to risk in all operations because of the nature of the materials being extracted, transported and processed.

Health and safety continue to be paramount for the petrochemical and petroleum refining industry, and the emphasis for process safety management (PSM) and asset integrity is to stop any unplanned releases which could lead to a major accident.

A huge effort has been focused on minimizing the risk of personnel exposure and equipment loss in the global oil and gas industry by stopping the release of toxic substances and highly hazardous chemicals.


A technician performs positive material identification on pressure vessel components using the Thermo Scientific Niton XL5 analyzer.

A technician performs positive material identification on pressure vessel components using the Thermo Scientific Niton XL5 Plus analyzer. Image Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific - Elemental Analyzers and Phase Analyzers

机械完整性(MI)始终是诸如29 CFR 1910.119的“高度危险化学品的过程安全管理”,始终是美国职业健康和安全管理(OSHA)概述某些要求最小化或防止灾难性灾难性后果的要求,例如29 CFR 1910.119发行。

Policies were launched to safeguard against catastrophic releases under OSHA’s National Emphasis Program (NEP):

  • 执行指令号CPL 03-00-004生效2007年6月7日
  • 石油炼油流程安全管理国家重点计划和指令编号CPL 03-00-014 2011年11月29日生效




  • A welder using the incorrect filler metal by choosing the wrong rod box, improper stocking or labeling of inventory or borrowing weld rods from someone else
  • Material traceability is not maintained during fabrication when a number of pieces are created from a single stock (i.e., stiffener rings, gussets, lift lugs, support clips, gasket rings, pipe pups)
  • 组件制造商使用错误的材料来标记成品零件
  • During the fabrication process, the fabricator utilizes unmarked, unknown material (i.e., loose stock, cutouts, drops)
  • Maintenance that happens outside normal operating hours is not subjected to usual QA/QC inspection practice
  • 仓库库存位于错误的位置,错误会带来
  • 在拆除维护过程中的材料的标记或标记不正确,并且在重新安装之前缺乏欧洲杯足球竞彩验证
  • A pipefitter or welder chooses the wrong component during the fabrication process
  • 随着所有权交易所和数据的转换甚至操纵,原始磨坊测试报告(MTR)的完整性在采购和供应周期中受到损害

The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazardous Investigation Board (CSB) report No. 2005-04-B provides a lesson learned after an incident investigation of a major fire at one of the nation’s largest refining complexes, which caused a reported $ 30 million in property damage and minor injuries.


An inexpensive, accurate and fastPMI测试技术是通过X射线荧光或其他非破坏性材料测试的原位合金钢材材料验证。

Facility owners, operators and maintenance contractors must make sure that the verification program requires PMI testing, as specified in American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice (API RP) 5781, or other suitable verification process, for all critical service alloy steel piping components which are removed and reinstalled during maintenance.2

正如一项研究中发现的,在99起重大炼油厂事故中,有99起,材料组成的不足是失败的关键组成部分,这在一项研究中发现了欧盟(EU)和经济合作组织和组织的石油炼油厂中与腐蚀相关的事故Development (OECD) countries’.

Experience and history demonstrate that inadvertent material substitutions are still a considerable problem in the refining and petrochemical industry. However, applying the principles and guidelines published in recommended practice API RP 578 “Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems” supports applying Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP) in instituting an effective material verification program (MVP).

Owner-users who use a 100% PMI practice for pressure-containing components and welds for new construction materials, in-service equipment, or during maintenance activities can decrease the likelihood of material mix-up significantly and avoid the consequences of failure while mitigating corporate risk.



API RP 939C“避免了炼油厂硫化(硫化)腐蚀故障的指南”将回顾性PMI实施到材料验证程序中(PER API RP 578)作为一种检查技术,可用于检测和追踪硫化腐蚀。3

在炼油行业中,HF烷基化正成为石化产品生产的越来越流行的过程。建筑的主要材料是铜欧洲杯足球竞彩 - 尼克,碳钢,Monel™400(特种金属公司的商标)和其他基于镍的合金,例如Hastelloy™C-276和B-2(Haynes International的商标)。


When residual element (RE) content is controlled, carbon steel in the HF alkylation process has shown satisfactory corrosion resistance to HF corrosion. Case studies have demonstrated that REs in carbon steel can add to accelerated HF corrosion, particularly elements Cu, Cr, and Ni.

一项确认的指南是,对于C> 0.18%wt%和CU + Ni + Cr的碱金属,0.15%wt%最佳。由于要测量的浓度和类型将直接影响要使用的分析技术操作,因此这些值至关重要。4



For the most reliable data and best performance, the operator should carefully consider the most suitable surface preparation techniques, grinding media and tools for the task.

热科学TM值NitonTM值XL5 Plus XRF Analyzer

The newNiton XL5 Plusis the lightest and smallest high performance XRF alloy analyzer in the market. It couples world-class performance with its lightweight and smaller size, allowing access to more test points that are usually inaccessible to larger HHXRF equipment while minimizing operator fatigue.

A new, powerful mini X-ray tube and a compact measurement geometry supply the highest performance and best light element sensitivity for the most demanding applications like low silicon measurement.

Niton XL5 Plus分析仪在苛刻的炼油厂环境中提供快速准确的元素分析,并为精炼行业提供以下关键好处:

  • 灵活的用户界面允许轻松优化和针对特定应用的自定义工作流解决方案,例如低硅测量,残差和跟踪元素分析
  • 即使戴上手套,也可以使用倾斜,刷和生动的触摸屏显示器
  • Best in class miniaturized 5W X-ray tube supplies the highest performance level and best light element sensitivity
  • 用石墨烯窗口的大型,最先进的硅漂移检测器高计数速率可提供出色的光元检测(Si,P,Mg,Al,S)
  • 集成的120万微型和5M宏观摄像机以及小点分析,以进行准确的样品定位和图像捕获,以增强参考和数据完整性
  • Extended field utilization with hot swappable battery and battery life indicator display
  • 最小的HHXRF通过允许在紧身裤和内部组件中进行测试来提高生产率
  • 最轻的HHXRF为2.8磅(1.3 kg);设计用于更好的用户舒适度和平衡,而无需操作员疲劳
  • 坚固的住房是防尘的,适合恶劣的环境
  • 无与伦比的化学和等级识别精度,以获得自信结果

Niton XL5 Plus分析仪的设计使用了坚固的铝制外壳,从分析仪内部消散了主要的热源。电子故障安全保护用于内部温度监测和控制,从而通过悬挂测量活动来防止分析仪过度使用,直到冷却至安全的工作温度。

The Niton XL5 Plus Analyzer takes advantage of its increased component interface and smaller size by providing a new miniature Hot Work Standoff, enabling standard operations at high testing temperatures without impeding the higher value of component accessibility.

Enabling a maximum sample temperature of 900 °F (480 °C) as it is equipped with a KaptonTM值window (Kaption is a trademark ofE. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company), the new Hot Work Standoff easily snaps in place with an improved, toolless window bracket design.


Niton XL5 Plus Analyzer非常适合绳索访问PMI检查,为技术人员提供较小的占地面积和减轻体重负担,通常会占用有价值的空间,无论是通过挂绳连接还是在背包中固定。




TheNiton XL5 PlusXRF Analyzeris purpose-built and designed specifically to perform in this harsh environment with a feature set that makes it the instrument of choice for petrochemical, refinery and all other process facility inspectors who need the best tool for the job.

With the highest analytical performance available in a rugged, well-balanced package, together with a considerable reduction in size and weight, the Niton XL5 Plus Analyzer is a product driven by industry demand and client input. It is designed to meet the requirements of asset owners from all industry segments, from refining and petrochemical to gas processing, power generation, offshore and pipeline transportation.


  1. API RP 578 – Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems
  2. “安全公告”,美国化学与安全危害调查委员会,CSB报告号2005-04-B,2006年10月12日,第7页。
  3. API RP 939C – Guidelines for Avoiding Sulfidation (Sulfidic) Corrosion Failures in Oil Refineries
  4. API RP 751 – Safe Operation of Hydrofluoric Acid Alkylation Units

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific - Elemental Analyzers and Phase Analyzers.

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Thermo Fisher Scientific-元素分析仪和相分析仪。



  • APA

    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 手持元件元素和辐射检测。(2021, January 14). How to Conduct Retroactive PMI with an XRF Analyzer. AZoM. Retrieved on June 25, 2021 from //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=20020.

  • MLA

    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 手持元件元素和辐射检测。“如何使用XRF分析仪进行追溯PMI”。AZoM。2021年6月25日。

  • Chicago

    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 手持元件元素和辐射检测。“如何使用XRF分析仪进行追溯PMI”。Azom。//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=20020。(2021年6月25日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 手持元件元素和辐射检测。2021.如何使用XRF分析仪进行追溯PMI。Azom,2021年6月25日,//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=20020。



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