

在这次访谈中,Thermo Scientific的产品营销经理Alexander Bouman与Azom的产品营销经理与Azom谈论Thermo Scientific™XL G2 G2 G2桌面扫描电子显微镜(SEM)的功能和好处。

What are Some of the Thermo Scientific™ Phenom™ XL G2 Desktop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Features?

这Phenom XL G2 is a next-generation desktop scanning electron microscope that makes it easy to automate quality control and related processes while offering users accurate, reproducible results with minimal human error.

该仪器的大容量和高效工作流程有助于任何规模的实验室,可免费获得增值工作。这Phenom XL G2also features a user-friendly, efficient interface ideal for a wide range of applications.

现象XL G2的一个令人兴奋的新可选功能是可以在氩环境中使用。这打开了许多实验性的可能性和选择,从而使乐器更加通用。

有什么好处RMO科学现象XL G2台式机扫描电子显微镜的氩气兼容性授予用户,这对锂电池研究有何影响?

PENOM XL G2是唯一可以放置在充满氩气手套箱中的SEM,使用户可以对空气敏感的锂电池样品进行研究。

Lithium battery is used in an increasing number of applications, for example, batteries in cars and smartphones.




Using these voltages in an argon environment without appropriate precautions can cause sparking, which will ultimately damage the electronics inside SEM. The Phenom XL G2 uses dedicated technology to avoid this issue, offering the researcher a protected environment to characterize air sensitive battery samples.



Handling of the sample holder is straightforward, despite the use of thick gloves, while the system’s long life allows this to be used for many hours without intervention.


PENOM XL G2台式机的外形较小,可以在任何实验室中使用。它的外形使其在很小的实验室中可以很好地拟合,同时也可以在大型实验室中使用它来卸载更复杂的设备。2020欧洲杯下注官网而且由于较小的尺寸,可以将系统放置在常规杂物盒中。

您能解释一下现象编程界面如何构成现象XL G2桌面SEM系统的重要组成部分吗?

质量控制通常基于重复步骤,这意味着这通常可以自动化。自从阶段Phenom XL G2允许大量样本和/或多个存根,用户可以启动自动化过程并在后面获得结果。

Can You Explain What Gives the Long-Lifetime CeB(Hexaboride)获得比钨的优势?



热科学现象XL G2桌面扫描电子显微镜样品持有人如何使用户受益?

Our standard sample holder accommodates 100 x 100 x 40 mm samples, or 16 x 1” or 32 x 0.5” stubs, making it the best in its class. Optional sample holders are also available, including the eucentric tilt and rotation stage, tensile and compression stage or a generic sample holder suitable for use with self-designed experiments.



可选的EDS已完全集成到用户界面中,PENOM XL G2的唯一设计允许在相同的工作距离下进行高分辨率成像和EDS分析。



Details can be explored via a single click, using a range of standard EDS functions.

Where Can Our Readers Find More Information about the Thermo Scientific Phenom XL G2 Desktop Scanning Electron Microscope?

人们可以找到有关的更多信息Phenom XL G2on the Thermo Scientific website. A range of technical documents, videos and product data sheets are also available. Our team is also happy to answer any queries or provide more information if required.

About Alexander Bouman

Alexander Bouman is a Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Thermo Scientific Phenom Desktop SEM. He has an MSc in Chemical Engineering, and his background is in product management in industrial lighting and Phenom desktop SEM.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific – Electron Microscopy Solutions.

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Thermo Fisher Scientific - 电子显微镜解决方案。

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    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 电子显微镜解决方案。(2022年2月15日)。锂样品的下一代分析。azom。于2023年2月9日从//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=20797检索。

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    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 电子显微镜解决方案。“锂样品的下一代分析”。AZoM。2023年2月9日。

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    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 电子显微镜解决方案。“锂样品的下一代分析”。azom。//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=20797。(2023年2月9日访问)。

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    Thermo Fisher Scientific - 电子显微镜解决方案。2022.锂样品的下一代分析。AZoM, viewed 09 February 2023, //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=20797.



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