Editorial Feature




Diamond-like carbon (DLC) is a reference term for carbon thin films possessing high hardness, electrical insulation, and infrared transmission. The combination of F-DLC with fluorine has an anticoagulant effect, finding application in clinical settings and blood vessel stents. The researchers reported excellent antibacterial properties expressed by coating.


This article measures the release of F-ions from the F-DLC coating. F-ions can increase both direct cytotoxicity and metabolic toxicity and are also capable of bonding with calcium and magnesium in the body to cause hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia.


The study investigated the effects of F-DLC coated titanium alloy in vivo osteogenesis with the approval of the Animal Research Ethics Review Board. The experiment focused on local bone response rather than the system response.

The test specimens were of Ti-6Al-4V metal alloy, comprising 90% titanium, 6% aluminum, 4% vanadium by a mass fraction. The high bio-affinity of the alloy enables broad application potential in bone-anchoring implants.

射频电感耦合等离子体化学蒸气沉积(CVD)技术用于铺设三层涂层。各个层是碳化硅(SIC),DLC涂层(A-C:H结构)和F-DLC涂层(23 at。%F+A-C:H:H:F结构)。



将测试片形成直径为5 mm的固体柱,长度为20毫米。平行缝隙宽0.5毫米,每列沿着12个位置的短轴以1毫米的间隔在短轴上进行2 mm的深处。



一种fter administering anesthesia to dogs, following other standard procedures, a 10-cm skin incision was made in the anterior lateral margin of the femur. The initial cut was made between the quadriceps femoris muscle and tensor fascia lata muscle.

通过将前向牵引力放在股股骨肌肉肌肉上,暴露于肌椎管。使用ϕ5.0 mm钻头在股骨的diaphysy区域(diaphessy的中心,靠近中心2 cm)和中心远端2 cm的肌椎管区域的长轴沿3个位置创建孔。

The diameter of each hole was then enlarged using a ϕ5.1 mm reamer. During this process, the drill and reamer were cooled continuously to minimize irritation to the bone. More saline solution was used to remove the residual tissue. A total of six implants from Group F or Group C were inserted.

一种fter 4, 8, and 12 weeks of the implantation, the animals were sacrificed by intravenous injection of KCL, and the specimens were collected.

((a) Collected femur; (b) Radiograph of the femoral bone.

图3。((a) Collected femur; (b) Radiograph of the femoral bone. Image Credit: Sasamoto et al., 2021

一种t every interval, eight femurs were collected. Double staining was done and calcein was injected subcutaneously before collecting the bone specimens. Under fluorescence, bones calcified before and after implantation were differentiated.



Bone histomorphometry was then applied to measure eight parameters, namely, bone mass (%), trabecular thickness (µm), osteoclast number (N/mm), resorption area (%), osteoblast number (N/mm), osteoid area (%), calcification rate (µm/day), the annual rate of bone formation (µm/year).



The F-ion elution was confirmed using solid round columns of 25 mm diameter and 5 mm thickness and polished to a mirror finish (Ra = 0.1 µm). Testing was performed by lanthanum–alizarin complex one absorption spectrometry complying methods.



The student’s t-test was used for statistical analysis, to compare Group F and Group C for F ions elution. All data were shown as mean values for each group ± standard deviation. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results were graphed with standard deviations.








In Figure 7, the observations under the fluorescent light of the specimen are presented. Newly formed bone tissue with calcein green was identified. In both F and C groups, the calcein-labeled areas increased from week 8 to week 12. At Week 12, double labeling of specimens was noted in Group F.



骨组织形态计量学的结果如图8A – H和表1所示。F组F中的平均骨体积/组织体积/组织体积±SD明显增加。小梁F的平均厚度±SD显着增加。骨表面±SD的降低明显更大。


Figure 8.骨骼组态法的结果。(a)骨体积/组织体积(%)。在第4周,两组之间没有明显差异。在第8周,C组的骨体积/组织体积(%)为35.37±8.70,F组为57.53±12.4(P <0.05),第12周的C组为61.17±2.12,组为75.77±5.88。F(p <0.005),F组F。(b)小梁厚度(µm)的增加明显更大。在第4周,两组之间没有明显差异。在第8周,小梁的厚度为103.71±8.8 µm,在F组中为120.87±10.5 µm(P <0.05),第12周,组为121.19±11.1 µm,C组为158.11±24.2 µm,组为158.11±24.2 µm。F(p <0.05),F组F。(c)破骨细胞/骨表面长度(N/mm)的数量明显更大。在第4周和第8周,两组之间没有明显差异。组C组的破骨细胞/骨表面长度为1.78±0.35/mm,F组为1.28±0.13/mm(P <0.05)(P <0.05),F组f。 (%). At Week 4 and Week 8, no significant differences were noted between groups. At Week 12, eroded surface/bone surface (%) was 24.19 ± 3.03 in Group C vs. 18.94 ± 1.98 in Group F (p < 0.05), with a significantly greater decrease in Group F. (e) Number of osteoblasts/bone surface length (N/mm); (f) Osteoid surface/bone surface (%). (g) Mineral apposition rate (µm/day). (h) Bone formation rate/tissue volume (%/year). For (e–g), no significant differences were found between Group C and Group F at any time point. For (h), the ratio of bone formation rate/tissue volume at 8 weeks was 220.1 ± 119.08 %/year in Group C vs. 405.47 ± 92.29 %/year in Group F (p < 0.05), with a significantly greater increase in Group F. * p < 0.05; **p < 0.005 for (a–d,h). Image Credit: Sasamoto et al., 2021

表格1。骨骼组态法的结果。Source: Sasamotoet al。,2021年

4W (Groups
C vs. F)
8 W (Groups
C vs. F)
12 W(组
C vs. F)
答:骨体积/组织体积(%) 19.89±4.51 vs. 21.51±14.1 35.37±8.70 vs。
57.53 ± 12.4 *
61.17±2.12 vs. 75.77±5.88 **
B:小梁厚度(μm) 60.71 ± 9.10 vs. 68.92 ± 18.8 103.71 ± 8.8 vs. 120.87 ± 10.5 * 121。19 ± 11.1
158.11±24.2 *
C:否则破骨细胞/骨表面(N/mm) 0.85 ± 0.30 vs. 0.65 ± 0.34 1.39±0.48 vs。
1.78±0.35 vs. 1.28±0.13 *
D:侵蚀的表面/骨表面(%) 9.47±1.87 vs. 5.88±4.89 19.27±3.23与16.08±2.36 24.19±3.03 vs. 18.94±1.98 *
e: No. osteoblasts/Bone surface (N/mm) 43.10±5.78 vs. 44.68±11.11 25.62±8.51 vs. 34.15±5.34 24.66±6.35 vs。
F:骨骼表面/骨表面(%) 73.10±3.40 vs. 76.00±13.50 47.60±9.84 vs. 55.31±7.14 47.10±9.90 vs. 56.17±5.14
G:矿物质申请率(/天μm) 4.87±0.83 vs. 2.64±1.25 2.69±0.86 vs。
2。41± 0.52 vs. 2.08 ± 0.69
H:骨形成率/骨头体积(%/年) 225。50 ± 145.50 vs. 261.67 ± 211.94 220.91±119.08 vs. 405.47±92.29 * 247.09±73.64与254.80±142.83

* p <0.05;** p <0.005。



Figure 9.随着时间的流逝,每单位区域的氟洗脱量随时间变化。F离子的浓度随着时间而增加。图片来源:Sasamoto等,2021


The study established a comparison between traditional titanium alloy implants and F-DLC-coated titanium alloy implants to determine the effects of F-DLC coating on bone formation in vivo. The findings show the bone union was more accelerated with F-DLC coated implants than with non-coated titanium alloy implants.


Excessive or prolonged inflammation was related to extended cell and callus proliferation. As per the study, the selected F ions formed sodium fluoride leading to anti-inflammatory action that shortened the duration of inflammation during the early bone union.

植入物仅测试8周。该研究是对Beadle Dogs进行的,但还需要人类研究。即使有这些局限性,该研究也肯定了F-DLC涂层的抗菌特性。




Sasamoto, T., Kawaguchi M., Yonezawa K., Ichiseki T., Kaneuji A., Shintani K., Yoshida A., Kawahara N. (2021) Antibacterial Fluorinated Diamond-Like Carbon Coating Promotes Osteogenesis—Comparison with Titanium Alloy.应用科学欧洲杯线上买球。可用网址:doi.org/10.3390/App11209451

References and Further Reading

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