New research in the journalScience Advances演示如何使用多组分的per骨混合物来减少玻璃的脆弱性。该研究的重点是合成八元per骨混合物。GydF4y2Ba
Study:八体性per骨混合物与超低脆弱性的玻璃化。GydF4y2BaImage Credit: Alex Ander
玻璃化的经典过程涉及液体混合物快速冷却以形成非晶体形式的玻璃材料。根据发表在GydF4y2BaScience Advancesby Christian Müller and his team, this process has a major disadvantage in that it yields a product with a very high fragility.
非晶体玻璃的形成高度取决于热和动力学因素,这也是玻璃过渡温度t的有关因素GydF4y2BaGGydF4y2Ba和玻璃熔化温度tGydF4y2BamGydF4y2Ba。The research study states that the mixing of several distinct substances effectively reduces the crystallization process, and also a massive decrease in fragility is observed in isomers, antiplasticizers, etc.
The results showed a massive decrement in fragility up to 500% by implementing octonary perylene mixtures. Such mixtures constitute a single carbon-based molecule with no dissimilar atom or molecule. Pure perylene has a very high capacity to form crystalline structures with a melting temperature of 287°C.
该研究表明,实施了各种基本技术进行验证。对各种样品进行了差异扫描量热法(DSC)。由气体控制器GC200组成的Mettler Toledo DSC2用于执行DSC。GydF4y2Ba
这也用于快速扫描量热法(FSC)过程。然而,对于发射光谱的过程,将二氯甲烷(DCM)的per骨混合物干燥,并由另一层底物压制。Linkam LTS420人质有效地用于加热和有效的冷却,以通过利用per骨混合物来形成低脆性玻璃。GydF4y2Ba
图片来源:Roman Zaiets/Shutterstock.comGydF4y2Ba
All of these processes were essential for the development of glass formers with an unconventionally low but desirable value of durability.
最新的Research on Octonary Perylene Mixtures
Molecular structures of the bay-substituted perylenes with different pendant alkyl groups. The molecules are labeled A to H. Image Credit: Hultmark, S et al., Science Advances
这种per骨混合物包含由分子间力固定在物质湾位置的分支烷基。使用DSC热合器技术,显示为-0.17K S的速率GydF4y2Ba-1。该混合物的结晶抑制特性是由于结合核心的扭曲,满足了基本目的和要求。GydF4y2Ba
This is crucial for stopping crystal development. Since the basic requirements were completed, the study presents the impact of mixing variation on fragility, which is the essential novelty the mixture offers.
FSC有效地协助了冷却速率对温度T的虚拟值的影响GydF4y2BaFGydF4y2Ba’GydF4y2Ba。GydF4y2BaThe technique of area matching method was utilized for this purpose. The results confirmed that the addition of components in a scientific method reduced fragility extensively.
However, this technique is only synthesized using an octonary perylene mixture. If the constituent 8 distinct molecules are not available, this octonary perylene mixture of the glass former would not be synthesized. Hence, this fragility value is only obtained for this particular mixture; it cannot be standardized. A change in mixture composition would lead to a change in fragility value, and this is a major disadvantage.
In a nutshell, this study inScience Advancestruly has revolutionized the glass-forming industry. The fragility value is the lowest ever documented, validating that the novel industrial technique has been successful in reducing glass former fragility.
Hultmark, S., Cravcenco, A., Kushwaha, K., Mallick, S., Erhart, P., Börjesson, K., & Müller, C. (2021). Vitrification of octonary perylene mixtures with ultralow fragility.欧洲杯线上买球科学进步GydF4y2Ba。GydF4y2Bahttps://www.欧洲杯线上买球
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Schmelzer, J. W., & Tropin, T. V. (2019). Kinetic criteria of vitrification and pressure-induced glass transition: dependence on the rate of change of pressure.Thermochimica Acta,42-53。GydF4y2Ba
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