

见解from industryAnna Walkiewicz博士应用专家Quorum Technologies

In this interview, AZoM talks to Anna Walkiewicz, Application Specialist at Quorum Technologies, about the sample preparation technique glow discharge, how it can be used in Transmission Electron Microscopy and even beyond that.

Can you introduce yourself, your role and Quorum Technologies’ work?

My name is Anna Walkiewicz. I am an application specialist at Quorum Technologies, a company that specialises in manufacturing sample preparation systems and cryo solutions for Electron Microscopy Imaging.

We produce equipment like critical point driers, coaters and glow discharge systems that is necessary to make samples suitable for imaging techniques that involve electron beam scanning.


With glow discharge we can change the substrate surface properties and this way direct how our sample will behave on that substrate.


For bio molecules, especially proteins and nucleic acids, the type of the charge is an important factor. Positively charged molecules will bind better to the negatively charged surface.

Hydrophilic, negatively charged surfaces tend to be in the highest demand.



The name ‘glow discharge’ refers to a characteristic glow of plasma - an ionised gas that is overall neutral but consists of negatively and positively charged regions.
When a gas is ionised, ions and electrons are produced. When there are enough electrons, they form more ions when colliding with a neutral atom of gas.
此过程通过无弹性碰撞发生。弹性碰撞对我们的目的无济于事,但是无弹性碰撞会产生离子或自由基 - 两种感兴趣的物种,它们与表面反应并改变其特性。



Could you tell our readers more about the sort of treatments possible with glow discharge?



如果我们使用化学蒸气进行发光排放,我们可以将处理升至更高的水平。我们可以使表面疏水,并具有积极或负电荷的 - 对生物分子,蛋白质,抗体和核酸非常有用的处理。

Could you elaborate on the use of glow discharge to support biomolecular research?

In-chemical vapor glow discharge treatment is very useful for working with proteins, especially if there is a need to model their active centres. A directed orientation of the protein on the TEM grid could be a game changer in the modelling part of the research, as it was in the case of proteasome. The issue with proteasome is that its active centres are located on the sides of the molecule, it was impossible to model them when having a top view of the proteasome molecule. When the surface properties that the proteasome sample was set on were changed, it was possible to achieve majority of side views thus a lot of molecules that could be used for modelling. These special surface properties were achieved by in amylamine glow discharge treatment and render the surface slightly hydrophobic, positively charged and attracted negatively charged sides of proteasome molecule.

Figure 7: (Left, no glow discharge, middle, in-air glow discharge, right, in-amylamine glow.) TEM (Tencai F20) images of 20s human proteasome complex showing the effect of altering the surface charge of the carbon support film on the orientation of the protein molecules. Carbon film of 2.5nm thickness on Quantifoil 1.2/1.3 400 mesh was used as a support for the sample, courtesy of Edward Morris, ICR, London

This in-amylamine treatment has been in use since the 1970s. The first person to use this technique was Jaque Dubouchet, who worked in Paris, France, at the Institute of Cancer Research.



我们开发了Quorum GloQube system解决此问题,确保治疗是完全自动的,并且无需手动控制该过程。

Developing an instrument that can automatically control this treatment was challenging for a number of reasons.

Amylamine is toxic and should never be inhaled. The apparatus, therefore, had to be robustly sealed, and it is important to ensure that all amylamine vapor was removed after the treatment before the door could be opened. Furthermore, when exposed to air, amylamine forms enol, which crystallises, clogs instrumentation and prevents the treatment from working.
Quorum Technologies’ GlowQube - glow discharge system has been specifically designed to overcome these issues. Procedures are in place to ensure there is no air in the system and only amylamine is present in the chamber when you run the treatment, and the system is automatically cleaned after using amylamine.

The procedure is safe and can be used to modify surfaces in consecutive runs with no issues.


If in-air glow discharge does not provide suitable results, it is always possible to try something else, such as an in-chemical vapor method.

Figure 8: TEM images (Tencai F20 G2) of ferritin protein complex from horse spleen (Sigma Aldrich) applied to in-air and in methanol vapor glow discharged carbon support TEM grids, courtesy of Imperial College London


While most of my answers have focused on glow discharge as a treatment for TEM samples, I should point out that a lot of people do use glow discharge for many different purposes; for example, to modify surfaces and to anchor samples for AFM, especially when imaging DNA.


Time is money for many processes, and the GloQube is an ideal option for automating this process.


Anna E. Walkiewicz博士是Quorum Technologies的应用专家。她拥有伯明翰大学的博士学位,在那里她研究了纳米级的手性认可。在Keysight Technologies中担任SEM和AFM产品科学家的申请中,她承认了对高分辨率成像的适当样品准备的极端重要性。她感兴趣的主要领域在于发现在表面最高部分发生的过程的结果。

该信息已从Quorum Technologies Ltd提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。欧洲杯足球竞彩

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Quorum Technologies Ltd.

该信息已从Quorum Technologies Ltd提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。欧洲杯足球竞彩

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Quorum Technologies Ltd.

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    Quorum Technologies Ltd. 2022。发光排放及其在透射电子显微镜(TEM)及以后的使用。Azom,2022年10月12日,https://www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=21034。



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