B&W TekRaman System to Detect the Spices in Gingerbread Cookies

自1930年代以来,在美国,长期以来的CHRSitmas传统仍然是一种普遍的做法 - 为圣诞老人拿出一盘饼干和一杯牛奶。1


姜饼人是标志性的饼干,在本赛季食用的数百万饼干中脱颖而出。姜饼gets its distinct flavor from a blend of molasses (dark brown sugar) and gingerbread spice – a mixture of ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and allspice.


Using B&W Tek’s portal Raman with BWID software, a Raman spectral library of spices can be easily assembled. Alternatively, using the library function of a handheld Raman can also help identify bags of unknown or unlabelled spices you may have in your kitchen or wish to buy in the market.

B&W TekRaman Systems配备532 nm,785 nm或1064 nm激光器。为了从香料,便携式拉曼1064-nm系统产生最佳的拉曼光谱,例如I-Raman Ex,I-Raman Prime-1064,Stram-1064,或Handheld Raman 1064-NM系统,例如TacticId-Mobile,TacticId-1064或Nanoram-- nanoram---建议1064。

Using a light source with this wavelength significantly decreases the powerful fluorescence emitted by dark and natural samples. The Raman spectra acquired from nine different spices using STRam-1064 are displayed in Figure 1a, while Figure 1b exhibits the library search result of cinnamon utilizing the BWID software with a spectral library.


B&W TekRaman system laser power可以以1%的增量进行调整,使其非常适合从易燃样品中获取拉曼光谱。

For further information about B&W Tek’s Raman systems, visithttps://bwtek.com/technology/raman/

使用带有1064 nm激光器(A)的便携式拉曼系统收集的九种不同香料的拉曼光谱,并使用使用香料样品的拉曼光谱创建的BWID香料库来鉴定肉桂样品的拉曼光谱。

图1。使用带有1064 nm激光器(A)的便携式拉曼系统收集的九种不同香料的拉曼光谱,并使用使用香料样品的拉曼光谱创建的BWID香料库来鉴定肉桂样品的拉曼光谱。图片来源:B&W Tek


图2。图书馆的创建视图(a)识别姜黄(b)在香料库中姜黄样品和姜黄拉曼光谱的拉曼光谱的比较。图片来源:B&W Tek


  1. Don’t Forget Santa’s Cookies and Milk: The History of a Popular Christmas Tradition, History,https://www.history.com/news/dont-forget-santas-cookies-and-milk-the-history-of-a-popular-christmas-tradition(访问12/17/2021)。
  2. Christmas cookies by the numbers: Guess how many cookies Santa eats on Christmas Eve?, Fox News,https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/christmas-cookies-by-the-numbers-cookies-santa-christmas-eve(访问12/17/2021)。
  3. Singletary,K.,2010年。Ginger:健康益处的概述。今天的营养,45(4),171-183。
  4. Singletary,K.,2008年。肉桂:健康益处的概述。今天的营养,43(6),263-266。

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by B&W Tek .

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问B&W Tek。


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    B&W Tek。(2022年1月7日)。B&W Tek拉曼系统以检测姜饼饼干中的香料。Azom。于2022年5月4日从//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=21092检索。

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    B&W Tek。"B&W Tek Raman System to Detect the Spices in Gingerbread Cookies".AZoM。2022年5月4日。

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    B&W Tek。"B&W Tek Raman System to Detect the Spices in Gingerbread Cookies". AZoM. //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21092. (accessed May 04, 2022).

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    B&W Tek。2022。B&W TekRaman System to Detect the Spices in Gingerbread Cookies。AZoM, viewed 04 May 2022, //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21092.

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