A new generation of materials scientists is developing sustainable materials – and methods for making them – in response to warnings of an imminent climate catastrophe. Natural and plant-based composite materials are gaining traction, but can they replace traditional alternatives?
Pioneers in both research and industry are working to prove that, in fact, plant-based composites can replace traditional, unsustainable materials. A team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently engineered a plant-based composite made with polymer and cellulose nanocrystals (the structures that make trees and other plants so strong.)
Meanwhile, the largest ever natural fiber composite structure – a nacelle for an offshore wind turbine – was installed by Dutch shipbuilders绿船in the Harbor of Rotterdam, Netherlands, in summer 2021.
Plant-based and natural composite materials are being developed in response to increasing demand for environmentally friendly, sustainable, and biodegradable composites.
These properties combine with good biodegradability (they decompose without releasing toxins into the environment), biocompatibility (they can be used safely in animal bodies), and renewable sourcing (materials can be grown again in a realistic timeframe, unlike oil for plastic which takes millions of years to form underground.)
The Latest Development in Plant-Based Composites: Cellulose Nanocrystals
纤维素is a naturally occurring – and abundant – polymer. It is the main structural component of all algae and plants. Each cellulose fiber contains reinforcing cellulose nanocrystals, called CNCs, which arrange themselves in a crystal-like nanostructure.
CNCs form the walls of plants’ microscopic cells and provide plants with considerable strength. They are both stronger and stiffer than Kevlar, and researchers believe they can be applied to make strong plastics that are produced sustainably.
In the last few years, scientists developed a method for extracting CNCs using acid hydrolysis. But incorporating the crystals into composite materials at large quantities has remained challenging: the CNCs tend to clump up and only bond weakly with the substrate material.
麻省理工学院科学家的新研究描述了包含大部分CNC的复合材料,并结合了合成聚合物。该复合材料比骨骼强,更坚固,比标准铝合金更坚硬。这项由麻省理工学院机械工程教授约翰·哈特(John Hart)监督的研究发表在《杂志》上纤维素in 2022.
The team mixed commercially available powdered CNC with a synthetic polymer in a ratio that would result in a gel solution. The viscosity of the solution was tuned so that the team could feed it through a 3D printer’s extrusion nozzle, or pour it into a cast as in conventional composite layering.
首席研究员Abhinav Rao博士在哈特的监督下工作的学生说:
对刀片等风力涡轮机组件的高工程要求 - 它们必须非常大,非常轻巧且非常强大 - 使这一挑战性。但是,荷兰造船厂Green Boots最近正面采取了挑战。
鹿特丹的7.3 m绿色NACELLE安装在600 kW风力涡轮机的转子(直径为44 m)上,并满足正在进行的工程检查。它不仅是有史以来最大的Nacelle,它是有史以来最大的天然纤维复合结构。
Industry needs to adopt these new technologies at scale, and soon. Researchers, policymakers, and the consuming public can all accelerate this adoption by feeding more knowledge, guidelines, and demand for a better way to make materials back to industry.
Chu, J. (2022).New plant-derived composite is tough as bone and hard as aluminum。麻省理工学院。[在线]可用:https://news.mit.edu/2022/plant-derived-composite-0210
Pilkington, B. (2021).The First-Ever Natural Fiber Composite Nacelle for Offshore Wind Turbines。偶氮清洁技术。[在线]可用:https://www.azocleantech.com/article.aspx?articleId=1196
Rao, A., Divoux, T., Owens, C.E.,等。(2022)。可打印的,可铸的,纳米晶纤维素 - 环氧复合材料,表现出分层nacre样强化。纤维素。可用网址:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-021-04384-7
Syduzzaman,M.,M.,Abdullah Al Faruque,K。Bilisik和M. Naebe(2020)。基于植物的天然纤维增强复合材料:制造,特性和应用的综述。涂料。可用网址:https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings10100973
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