S.T.E.M Girl Power - International Day of Women in Science 2022


S.T.E.M Girl Power - International Day of Women in Science 2022

图片来源:B&W Tek

Advancement and innovation are the results of increasing diversity within the scientific field as scientists of different backgrounds can develop existing knowledge in a collaborative way.

The majority of people in scientific disciplines are male, although there has been an increase of women in science more recently.2

本文概述了由女科学家领导的一系列研究,其中拉曼光谱法在各种科学学科中都用于证明这种多样性,并激发了持续包含的。women in science

Space exploration is one discipline where Raman spectroscopy is often employed. The B&W Tek i-Raman 532 nm has been evaluated as a possible technique for identifying the terrain’s composition on the moon or on a planet like Mars, along with determining possible traces of life.3,,,,4

桑德拉·曼尼根(Sandra Manigand Potin)从温尼伯大学的陆地和行星探索中心。(2021)利用拉曼光谱进行了一项研究,该研究研究了在非洲西北部发现的陨石的组成。4

AB&W Tek I-Raman便携式系统with a 532 nm excitation source was utilized for the investigation.


Space exploration is one of many disciplines that women in science are investigating.

Research scientists at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, United States, used Raman spectroscopy in another application led by female scientists.


In their study, Nobuko Shibayama and Adriana Rizzo utilized a range of analytical techniques such as Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) to characterize a varnish from a room preserved from the early 18Thcentury.5

巴斯克大学(UPV/EHU)分析化学系副教授Maite Maguregui,通过分析使用B&W TEK便携式光谱仪结合BWSPEC软件的B&W TEK便携式光谱仪分析其组件,研究了如何保存古代罗马马赛克。6



拉曼光谱法被Laura Ortiz-Herrero等人使用。(2021)巴斯克大学(UPV/EHU)科学技术学院分析化学系(UPV/EHU),以预测发现人类遗体的欧洲杯线上买球时间与个人死亡之间的时间。7

This was achieved by monitoring differences in the Raman spectra of bones as they degrade over time.


They also studied how different blends of oxidizers and fuels impact the identification of explosives.8

AB&W Teki-Raman Pro 785 with a portable confocal microscope was utilized to identify the samples.

Raman is also used in environmental engineering. A study by April Gu et al. (2018) Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Cornell University, employed Raman in microbiology to investigate single cells.


Silvia Merlino等人在国家研究委员会海洋科欧洲杯线上买球学研究所。(2020)利用了I-Raman加上785个便携式光谱仪,并带有显微镜,研究了沿地中海海岸堆积的不同类型的微塑料。

When microplastics are analyzed, the origins of these materials can be identified, and this pollution, which damages international sea life, can be decreased.10

Take a moment to show some appreciation towards thewomen in science并鼓励年轻女性从事STEM的职业。

访问https://bwtek.com/technology/raman有关B&W Tek提供的有关拉曼系统的更多信息。

References and Further Reading

  1. 联合国,国际科学妇女和女孩日欧洲杯线上买球https://www.un.org/en/observances/women-and-girls-in-science-day(访问2022 -02 -07)。
  2. https://plus.google.com/+Unesco。国际科学妇女和女孩日欧洲杯线上买球https://en.unesco.org/commemorations/womenandgirlinscienceday(访问2022 -02 -07)。
  3. Lalla,E。A。;Sanz-Aranz,A。;Lopez-Reyes,G。;Sansano,A。;Medina,J。;Schmanke,d。;Klingelhoefer,G。;Rodríguez-Losada,J.A。;Martínez-Frías,J。;Rull,F。Raman -Mössbauer -XRD对“ Los Azulejos”露头中选定样品的研究:一种评估火星上改变过程的可能类似物。ADV。空间res。2016,,,,57(11),2385–239​​5。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2016.03.014
  4. Potin,S.M。;Manigand,s。;Turenne,N。;Sidhu,s。;Connell,S。;Applin,d。;cloutis,e。;Caudill,C。;Newmann,J。;Lalla,E。; Lymer, E.; Freemantle, J.; Daly, M.; Kruzelecky, R.拉曼表面末端成员和类似物的拉曼光谱研究; EPSC2021-97; Copernicus Meetings, 2021.https://doi.org/10.5194/epsc2021-97
  5. Rizzo,A。;Shibayama,n。Kirby,D。P.一种多分析方法,用于鉴定芦荟作为油脂清漆中的着色剂。Anal. Bioanal. Chem.2011,,,,399(9),3093–3107。https://doi.org/10.1007/s00216-010-4402-4
  6. Marcaida, I.; Maguregui, M.; Morillas, H.; Prieto-Taboada, N.; Veneranda, M.; Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, S.; Martellone, A.; De Nigris, B.; Osanna, M.; Madariaga, J. M. In Situ Non-Invasive Multianalytical Methodology to Characterize Mosaic Tesserae from the House of Gilded Cupids, Pompeii.Herit. Sci.2019,,,,7(1), 3.https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-019-0246-1
  7. Ortiz-Herrero,L。;Uribe,b。Armas,L.H。;Alonso,M.L。;Sarmiento,A。;Irurita,J。;Alonso,R.M。;Maguregui,M.I。;Etxeberria,f。;Bartolomé,L。使用拉曼光谱和化学计量学对人类骨骼残留的验尸估计。法医科学。int。2021,,,,329,111087。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2021.111087
  8. d. videira-Quintela;Zapata,F。;García-Ruiz,C。通过拉曼光谱法检测纺织织物上爆炸残基的微观痕迹。J. Raman Spectrosc。2018,,,,49(10), 1668–1677.https://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.5455
  9. Li,Y。;Cope,H。A。;Rahman,S.M。;Li,G。;Nielsen,P。H。;Elfick,A。;Gu,A。Z.通过将基于拉曼的表型分析与系统发育多样性联系起来,以更好地了解EBPR系统。环境。科学。技术。2018,,,,52(15),8596–8606。https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.8b01388
  10. Merlino, S.; Locritani, M.; Bernardi, G.; Como, C.; Legnaioli, S.; Palleschi, V.; Abbate, M. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Chemically Characterized Microplastics within the Protected Area of Pelagos Sanctuary (NW Mediterranean Sea): Focus on Natural and Urban Beaches.2020,,,,12(12),3389。https://doi.org/10.3390/w12123389

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    B&W Tek。(2022年3月2日)。S.T.E.M女孩力量 - 国际科学妇女日2022年。Azom。欧洲杯线上买球于2022年5月13日从//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=21366检索。

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    B&W Tek。"S.T.E.M Girl Power - International Day of Women in Science 2022".azom。13May 2022. .

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    B&W Tek。"S.T.E.M Girl Power - International Day of Women in Science 2022". AZoM. //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21366. (accessed May 13, 2022).

  • Harvard

    B&W Tek。2022.S.T.E.M Girl Power - International Day of Women in Science 2022。azom,,,,viewed 13 May 2022, //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21366.

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