


图片来源:Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM)

Colin Ophus博士在劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室国家电子显微镜(NCEM)工作,该中心是分子铸造的一部分。

Dr. Ophus originally wanted to be an engineer, so he began his studies in electrical engineering and later switched to engineering physics, with no idea that his professional life would take such an interesting turn.



Eventually, after his postdoc at Berkeley, Dr. Ophus was offered a position at the NCEM as a computational scientist. From there, things progressed, and he ultimately became a staff scientist with his own computational microscopy group. Dr. Ophus is very pleased with how things turned out. The facility is one of the few in the world that conducts research in a specific manner.

Escape Room, Ophus Style

在认识Ophus博士的成就时,很难只选择一个成就。他认为这是因为他很幸运能够与许多令人难以置信的合作者合作。他的个人亮点是用于STEM(扫描传输电子显微镜)模拟的棱镜算法 - 它是他唯一拥有的单人出版物。


After implementing the code, he was able to run STEM image simulations a thousand times faster than ever before. The idea was picked up and implemented in the software of other researchers such as Hamish Brown (from the University of Melbourne) and Thomas Susi and Jacob Madsen (from the University of Vienna). This was evidence that his algorithm was effective.


在最近的STEM趋势方面,Ophus博士可能会受到偏见,因为他是一位具有数据弱点的计算科学家。尽管如此,他认为4D STEM具有改善数据获取和数据质量的最大潜力。



多模式实验是另一个令人着迷的趋势。如今,只收集了几个通道:正向衍射模式,非弹性能量损耗的光谱扫描,散射的X射线,反向散射电子或其他通道(例如阴极发光)。另一方面,茎是理想的多模式乐器because they can gather all of these data streams at once.


It is exciting to see how the scientific community is shifting away from the old practice of recording one or two publication-worthy images and instead of recognizing the value of assembling large data sets to gain a better understanding of the big picture. Even more so now, as computer and detector technology advances year after year.


A4D STEM detectorshould provide a complete picture of beam-specimen interaction. The ultimate goal in any field, whether it is Life Science or Materials Science, is to gather every electron while maintaining good time resolution.


Then, of course, a detector can be customized to meet the needs of a specific experiment. There are products available that allow balancing various aspects, like time for spatial resolution or number of pixels versus time resolution.

With the detector development in NCEM, the team is aiming for 100,000 frames per second. Individual electron collection should be simple at this speed, but speed should not come at the cost of a high dynamic range or noise-free readout. Commercial detectors are getting close to the point where it is possible to catch each electron across the entire scattering range in the timeframes that matter.



MBED AU纳米颗粒的3D断层扫描。欧洲杯猜球平台来自所有探针位置的最大CBED图像,虚拟检测器范围覆盖。

MBED AU纳米颗粒的3D断层扫描。欧洲杯猜球平台来自所有探针位置的最大CBED图像,虚拟检测器范围覆盖。图片来源:NCEM Colin Ophus博士

The Most Crucial Detector Parameters in 4D STEM

The speed of the detector is one of the most important factor in 4D STEM. Fast detectors can count more individual electrons. Such detectors not only improve quantum efficiency but also allow experiments to run at native speed.


The technique determines the next most important parameter. On the one hand, it would be the number of pixels for diffraction experiments like phase-orientation, pattern classification, strain mapping, as well as other experiments that depend on the angular resolution of the beam.

Techniques like ptychography and phase-contrast imaging, on the other hand, necessitate a wide dynamic range and single-electron sensitivity. The detector should be able to distinguish between 10,000 and one electron in this case.

Fast, Faster, Irrelevant



这样的实验可能需要探测1,000×1,000或更多样品点。这是大量信息 - 有trabytes。另一方面,4D茎可以使用现代探测器处理如此大的视野。


Ophus博士对以数据为中心的开源代码特别感兴趣4D STEM analysis


作者一直在修补它,结果令人难以置信 - 还有更多即将出版的出版物。Ophus博士预计将来,机器学习方法将用于分析困难样本。

此信息已从Dectris Ltd提供的材料中采购,审查和调整(AN欧洲杯足球竞彩interview由Dectris博士在2022年4月进行的Colin Ophus博士进行。

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Dectris Ltd.


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    Dectris Ltd.(2022, June 16). 4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy: Unraveling an Exciting Technique. AZoM. Retrieved on June 16, 2022 from //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21728.

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    Dectris Ltd."4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy: Unraveling an Exciting Technique".AZoM。2022年6月16日。

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    Dectris Ltd."4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy: Unraveling an Exciting Technique". AZoM. //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21728. (accessed June 16, 2022).

  • 哈佛大学

    Dectris Ltd. 2022。4D扫描传输电子显微镜:揭开令人兴奋的技术。Azom,2022年6月16日,https://www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=21728。



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