Thought Leaders


Thought LeadersDr. Vern WedevenFounder and President of Wedeven Associates, IncMIT Professional Education

In this interview AZoM talks to Dr. Vern Wedeven about the Revolutionary Tribology course which is being conducted by the MIT Professional Education.

Can you explain why friction and wearing are so important to address in mechanical and electromechanical systems?

所有机械系统都有与其动作相关的运动和应力。机器人技术,驱动系统和推进系统将跨接触物体(包括轴承和齿轮)传递力。这些亲密接口处的摩擦会产生热量,需要额外的运动动力。这就是我们所说的摩擦损失。摩擦和磨损对于解决方案很重要,因为它们可以帮助使机械和机电系统更加高效,有效和耐用 - 从而节省了资源,金钱和时间。

What impact do friction and wearing have on industry?

Friction reduces useful work, and wear diminishes precision positioning and useful life. The net effect is the consumption of precious resources and disruption of economic productivity and safety. The economic impact is vast. By one estimate, proper tribological procedures save 1.3% to 1.6% of a nation’s gross, resulting in hundreds of billions of dollars of savings.

Indeed, friction and wear pose incredible challenges to 21st Century mechanical and electromechanical systems, particularly in the fields of nanotechnology, aerospace, and biotechnology, and the financialbenefits of tribologyadvances should not be overlooked.



In some applications, bearings and gears have contact points that must carry enormous loads at low and high speeds, and the stresses are unbelievably high. Motions are also extreme, and contact areas are small — the size of a pinhead, in some cases. Heat is also generated, which brings chemistry into the equation, in addition to hydrodynamics.


Over the past 20 years, tribology experts have worked to better understand pieces of the fundamental tribology puzzle. Our revolution has been a decades-long journey to assemble those fundamental pieces into a comprehensive framework. We have developed engineering parameters that now enable tribology to be put into the design realm so that they can design for life and durability under extraordinary circumstances.

What is tribology?

Tribology is the science of friction, lubrication, and wear associated with contacting surfaces in relative motion. We experience tribology in action every day. For example, when we lace up our running shoes and hit the road or trail. The soles of our shoes are in relative motion to the street or trail. The friction between our shoe soles and the running surface provides traction that allows us to move forward. This same friction wears down our shoe soles, eventually needing to be replaced.


Image Credit: Shutterstock // Andrey V

What is Tribology-by-Design (T/D), and how has it helped engineers?


In the future, T/D will be taught to engineers around the globe as part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Professional Education course,“摩擦学:摩擦,磨损和润滑。”我将成为一项课程的讲师,探讨T/D如何连接和称赞Axiomatic Design(AXD),这是该课程的首席讲师Nam Pyo Suh博士,MIT的交叉教授Nam Pyo Suh博士开发的新设计的设计方法。

AxD uses matrix methods to systematically analyze the transformation of customer needs into functional requirements, design parameters, and process variables. It is used to design the best possible solution for planned features and functions.

T/D methodology is complimentary. It differs in that it targets the operating conditions or duty cycle of a critical component within its operating system with specially designed test and analysis tools. T/D predicts and solves tribology problems to save time on testing and redesign.

The theory characterizes critical tribology interfaces in terms of motion, stress, and temperature and how these parameters activate the tribology interface materials and mechanisms during operation (MST-Tm). The T/D process extracts and delivers the targeted MST-Tm to a virtual TRL 4 (Technology Readiness Level 4), where innovative tribology R&D can be conducted using T/D test and analysis tools.

The three T/D tools represent component analysis, single contact models (SCM), and single contact simulation testing. These tools provide, respectively, a component digital twin, a digital interface twin, and an interface simulation twin.


The development of major (and minor) mechanical systems, some of which I have been involved with in the aerospace community, have experienced significant setbacks due to a lack of tribology design guidelines during the development process.

When engineers solve tribology problems in mechanical systems, the result is typically increased system efficiency. It also improves the useful life of the component or system by reducing wear and heat, all of which improve service life and save money. Moreover, if we can solve tribology problems faster, we can promote faster innovations and greatly reduce the costs and risks of mistakes and unforeseen events.



以阿波罗17任务为例。NASA官员同意,由于其引起的机械问题,Lunar Dust是月球名义操作的最大障碍之一。在先前的任务中,月球砂砾堵塞了散热器,甚至在宇航员的膝盖上戴了一个洞。




New designs for high-powered systems are at risk with insufficient design knowledge for interface speed, stress, and temperature limits. Although no disasters happened, the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) turbopump bearings had to be replaced after every launch, due to excessive wear, during the first 15 years of its 30-year operation. The astronauts were keenly aware of the problem. It took more than a decade to solve this risky and expensive problem, which involved harmonizing tribology materials with complex design and manufacturing.


What are the benefits of being able to solve tribology problems faster?


Tribology is enormous, and it is everywhere. Increasing demands for more performance and energy savings continue to drive innovation in mechanical systems. Introducing new materials, designs, and test methods will play an important role in future progress.


Engineers can benefit greatly from implementing T/D. It will let them keep pace by providing a systematic way to cover all the bases.

How does Tribology-by-Design lead to the best possible systems?

T/D在技术准备水平(TRL)系统, which is now commonplace for major mechanical system design and development, particularly in aerospace.

测试和分析工具可以以伪数字为基础进行设计,该设计涵盖了许多选项,并且“不留下属性”。在设计的TRL系统中,T/D针对应用程序(TRL 8),并识别目标应用程序及其占空比的运动,应力和温度(MST)。

我们已经为MST开发了基于物理的工程参数,该参数允许在虚拟级别探索和设计目标应用程序的接口(TRL 4)。独特的关键工具是:(1)使用专利的Wedeven Associates机器(WAM)进行测试,以及(2)开发单个触点模型(SCM)。SCM成为设计,开发,制造和应用程序监控的核心。

How does Tribology-by-Design differ from other approaches to these problems?

Design and life theories for bearings and gears are based on stress and contact-fatigue stress-cycle criteria and a “material life factor.” In contrast, the T/D theory is based on motion-driven mechanisms for lubrication and performance, which is more consistent with physical reality.


Image Credit: Shutterstock// cass1976

What elements of Tribology-by-Design have been successful with engineers?

Understanding the fundamentals and the engineering parameters that control performance. Through T/D, the mechanical designers, metallurgists, and chemists suddenly realize their role and their value to the enterprise. T/D is the glue that holds the team together. To make T/D work requires the engagement of the entire technology supply chain.


Now that we have launched T/D, we are getting excellent feedback. Those who have worked with us on recent projects have become totally engaged and actively innovative. At the moment, there is enthusiastic “engagement” as well as good “suggestions.” The suggestions are mostly an expression of their technical needs and objectives.


Vern Wedeven博士是Wedeven Associates,Inc。的创始人兼总裁。他是MIT专业教育课程的90多名技术出版物和共同教师的作者:“Tribology: Friction, Wear and Lubrication。”


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