XPS是一种成熟且广泛使用的技术,用于探测材料的表面化学。仪器均在学术和工业研究实验室中使用。布里斯班的Axis Supra用户,来自QUT的Josh Lipton-Duffin博士,从机械视图表面上解释了动作发生的位置 - 材料相互作用的方式是通过其表面进行的。欧洲杯足球竞彩在某种程度上,所有化学,催化,外交甚至生物学领域都固有地表面驱动。重要的是要有研究表面的工具,因为物理学在表面上与大部分材料的不同之处只是不同。每个人都理解表面体积的比率随着尺寸的缩小而升高,并且通过扩展,微型化的趋势意味着表面和界面比以往任何时候都更为重要。
了解XPS表面灵敏度的起源很重要。所使用的X射线相对“软”,只能激发其在电子壳中的结合能小于光子能量的光电子。大约1500 ev。这些低能的光电子在失去能量或散射并未检测到的情况下不能穿越材料很远。对于传统实验室。基于XPS的信息深度被广泛接受为10 nm。As Dr. Andreas Holländer, Senior Scientist at The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research, states ‘Some important properties of materials such as the wetting behavior, the adhesion of glues, inks, paints, also of bacteria and viruses are determined by the outermost atomic layers of a surface’. This is expanded on by Martin Moos, Product Development Specialist at 3M, Germany who explains ‘The way in which materials interact with each other is through their surfaces and interfaces and hence this sample regime is crucial for their performance in any given environment. Adhesives are a practical example. They can be so strong that they can hold a structural panel for the life of a building or so gentle they can be applied to human skin to secure tubing. Applying an adhesive to an ill-prepared or contaminated surface will lead to compromised adhesion and ultimately bond failure. That is a common example where surface analysis comes into play.’
现代成像XPS仪器提供了探测元素和化学态在表面上的横向分布的能力。确定表面化学的不均匀性对于理解材料或产品的功能至关重要。XPS成像已用于表征腐蚀坑,确定允许提出反应途径的化学状态。Dr. Mark Biesinger explains that Kratos XPS instruments at Surface Science Western, University of Western Ontario are ‘heavily involved in research on the copper-coated steel containers that will be used to store nuclear fuel waste in the deep geologic repository for the next million years or so. A lot of the work I’ve done on characterizing copper and other transition metal species by XPS has been driven by this research and other research in the nuclear energy field.’
正如我们的用户所强调的那样,XP在提供定量,从材料表面提供化学信息的价值很明显。无论是增加学术用户的发布产出还是工业用户产品质量的改进,XPS Instrumentation都是材料表征实验室的宝贵工具。欧洲杯足球竞彩