Avoid Corrosion, Determine Organic Chlorides in Crude Oil per ASTM D4929 Part C

The analysis of organic chloride in crude oil using MEDXRF (Monochromatic EDXRF) provides superior performance for ASTM D4929 Part C and complies with other ASTM, EPA, and International requirements that are critical to the petroleum industry.

原油中的氯化物在开裂过程中以及管道中的中途促进炼油厂的管道腐蚀。Organic chlorides在原油中自然不会发生;然而,来自各种天然来源的盐和痕量的残留有机氯的形式的无机氯化物可以有助于总氯含量。

Inorganic chlorides can be removed from crude oil through a wash process; however, low levels of organic chlorides may remain.


因此,在石油行业中,对低水平和微量氯的可靠度量的需求至关重要。为了满足这一至关重要的需求,Rigaku提供了NEX CG IImonochromatic EDXRF using Cartesian Geometry and polarization.

避免腐蚀,确定每ASTM D4929 Part C部分的有机氯化物

图片来源:Rigaku Corporation


Model: Rigaku NEX CG II
X射线管:50 W PD-ANODE
Detector: Large-area SDD
Analysis time: 300 seconds
Environment: Helium purge


ASTM D4929设计用于测量原油中残留的有机氯化物。首先通过洗涤和蒸馏制备原油样品以除去H2S和无机氯化物。洗涤和蒸馏过程后,使用C部分方法分析了XRF的氯含量。

Naphtha馏分通常是稳定的,含有小于1000μg/g的S. XRF校准是使用矿物油校准标准进行的,作为矿物油模型NAPHTHA,用于X射线响应。

要准备用于XRF分析的样品,只需将4.0 g样品放入标准的32 mm XRF样品杯中,然后直接测量。


As per D4929 Part C, empirical calibration was made using commercially available mineral oil standards. For optimum calibration, the standards contain both sulfur and chlorine, with sulfur content ranging from 100 to 1000 μg/g. Alpha corrections are automatically employed to compensate for sulfur’s effect on chlorine X-Rays.

Table 1.Source: Rigaku Corporation

Table 1

避免腐蚀,确定每ASTM D4929 Part C部分的有机氯化物

图片来源:Rigaku Corporation


为了证明测量的恢复,精度和可重复性,选择了一些校准标准,结果如下所示。ASTM可重复性r =2.77σ。

Table 2.Source: Rigaku Corporation


The empirical method is used to determine detection limits using a 300-second measurement time. Ten repeat analyses of a blank mineral sample are taken with the sample in a static position and the standard deviation (σ) is determined. The lower limit of detection (LLD) is then defined as three times the standard deviation (3 σ).

表3。Source: Rigaku Corporation



NEX CG IIusing 90° Cartesian Geometry polarization monochromatic EDXRF gives superior performance for the measurement of organic chloride in crude oil as per ASTM D4929 Part C.

NEX CG II还符合许多其他ASTM方法和EPA对石油行业的关键测量的要求,这使其成为用于测量硫和超低硫的多合一分析仪的绝佳选择。和润滑油。

此信息已从Rigaku Corporation提供的材料中采购,审查和改编。欧洲杯足球竞彩

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Rigaku Corporation。


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    Rigaku Corporation。(2022, August 01). Avoid Corrosion, Determine Organic Chlorides in Crude Oil per ASTM D4929 Part C. AZoM. Retrieved on November 17, 2022 from //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21875.

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    Rigaku Corporation。“避免腐蚀,确定每ASTM D4929部分C中的原油中有机氯化物”。AZoM。17 November 2022. .

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    Rigaku Corporation。“避免腐蚀,确定每ASTM D4929部分C中的原油中有机氯化物”。azom。//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=21875。(2022年11月17日访问)。

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    Rigaku Corporation。2022.Avoid Corrosion, Determine Organic Chlorides in Crude Oil per ASTM D4929 Part C。AZoM, viewed 17 November 2022, //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=21875.

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