Editorial Feature




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IoT-Integrated Accelerated Regenerative Braking System


在2022年国际计算,沟通和应用信息学进步国际会议的研究中,P. Veitrivezhen's团队使用物联网技术来整合来自发电,存储和超级电容器单元的数据,以增强再生制动功效。调查结果表明,车辆的范围可能会增加高达25%。但是,这只是一个原型,对材料选择的进一步优化可能会导致更扩展的范围。

This system creates electricity as soon as the vehicle continues to move, in contrast to conventional regenerative braking. The supercapacitors then temporarily store the charge created by the generator motor. The required charge is then transferred to the PSS (pass-through circuit) module and amplified before being sent to the BMS (battery monitoring circuit), which ultimately arrives at the battery.

Battery Management System (BMS)

E-mobility is adopting the IoT megatrend, which is changing transportation with battery-powered, zero-emission vehicles and networked, autonomous mobility. Electric vehicles (EVs) have a battery that needs to be recharged and supplies electricity to an electric motor. The electric powertrain (battery, converter, and traction motor), controller, onboard chargers, and charge ports are the primary electrical parts of an electric vehicle (EV).

The BMS's initial two primary duties are battery protection and monitoring. While the protection process is in charge of returning the system to a safe state when the observed values go over or below their safe operational ranges, the monitoring function entails measuring the battery's current, voltage, and temperature. The more recent and sophisticated BMS includes state estimation, temperature management, cell monitoring, balancing, battery safety, and protection.

  • Monitoring:每个系统电池的电流,电压和温度的收集是此功能的一部分。
  • 平衡:Inconsistency in material quality and capacity throughout operation may be the root of the imbalance in cell capacity. Redistributing energy and keeping all cells at a constant SOC level are the goals of cell balancing.
  • 安全:The BMS's primary duty is to protect the battery from operating in hazardous situations that could harm both the battery and the users. Hazardous situations can occasionally arise because of the battery's chemical properties. The BMS performs a crucial role in fault diagnosis to guarantee safe operation.

Self-Driving Cars


Autonomous Tractors

由于物联网的进步,电动汽车不仅限于汽车。通过开发使用电气化,自动化和人工智能的电力和自主拖拉机,约翰·迪尔(John Deere)希望改变农业业务。电动机更有效,可靠,轻巧,并在低速下提供明显的扭矩。


P.L Arunkumar与允许的操作参数相比,他的团队研究了电池驱动的越野工业速度控制算法的有效性。基于物联网的智能微控制器跟踪车辆的参数,并做出优先的组合决策。这些发现提供了有关众多测试案例的信息,并支持该算法会自动将车速降低到建议水平,而差异为7%,精度为93%,从而确保了安全的车辆操作和延长电池寿命。

IoT, IoT in electric vehicles, IoT in EVs

图片来源:Ronald Rampsch/Shutterstock.com


For one month,Weihua Wu他在中国南京的同事使用5G技术收集有关交通,道路状况,电池使用和电动汽车使用的实时数据。也可以使用此数据选择充电站的放置。




References and Further Reading

Tran, Manh-Kien, S. Panchal, T. D. Khang, K. Panchal, R. Fraser, and M. Fowler. (2022). Concept Review of a Cloud-Based Smart Battery Management System for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Feasibility, Logistics, and Functionality.Journal of Batteries 8, no. 2: 19.https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries8020019

Lipu, Molla Shahadat Hossain, A. Al Mamun, S. Ansari, Md. S. Miah, K.Hasan, S. T. Meraj, M. G. M. Abdolrasol, T. Rahman, Md. Hasan Maruf, M. R. Sarker, A. Aljanad, and N. M. L. Tan. (2022). Battery Management, Key Technologies, Methods, Issues, and Future Trends of Electric Vehicles: A Pathway toward Achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Journal of Batteries 8, no. 9: 119.https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries8090119

P. Vetrivezhan,B。Ojha,A。Yadav,A。Bisht和J. Solanki(2022)。通过合并EV范围扩展器,调查物联网综合加速制动系统的性能。2022年国际计算,通信和应用信息学进步会议(ACCAI),2022年,第1-7页,第1-7页https://doi.org/10.1109/accai53970.2022.9752521

Wu,Weihua,Y。Zhang,D。Chun,Yu Song,L。Qing,Y。Chen和P. Li,(2022年)。研究与5G实时电动汽车和交通系统相关的电动汽车操作模式的研究。能源杂志15,否。12:4316。https://doi.org/10.3390/en15124316

Arunkumar,P.L.,M。Ramaswamy和C. Sharmeela(2022)。使用ARM核心的工业电动汽车基于物联网的速度控制。生态工程与环境技术杂志23号。2:113-121。https://doi.org/10.12912/27197050/145584

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Huda Khan

Written by

Huda Khan




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    汗,哈达。“物联网将在电动汽车行业中扮演什么角色?”。azom。20 January 2023. .

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    汗,哈达。“物联网将在电动汽车行业中扮演什么角色?”。azom。//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=22102. (accessed January 20, 2023).

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