由...赞助EDAX2023年2月6日由奥利维亚·弗罗斯特(Olivia Frost)审查
如果假定nishiyama-wasserman方向关系,则在铁中(α,α,BCC)在铁中的铁素体(α,bcc)转化,假定{111},fcc平行于{110}的飞机BCCplanes and <11-2>fcc指示与<110>对齐BCC,可以预期,父谷物将转变为多达12个不同的儿童变体(在此示例中,存在六种变体)。
the challenge in this method is reconstructing the pre-transformation microstructure from the measured post-transformation microstructure. Over the years, various methods have been proposed to tackle this challenge.OIM Analysis™v8.6已经采用了游侠提出的一种技术等。
Figure 2 highlights an example of reconstruction for low alloy steel. (EBSD measurements are courtesy of Matt Merwin, US Steel Research and Technology Center).


the method adopted byOIM Analysis™v8.6可以分解为以下步骤:
- For each domain - grain - in the as-scanned microstructure, a list of all possible candidate parents is calculated based on a user-specified orientation relationship.
- 基于周围域与候选父母列表中与父母匹配的匹配的比例,发现并指定为每个孩子变体的最有可能的父母,并被指定为高信任父母(HCP),模棱两可的父母(AP)或较低的信心父母(LCP)。图3描述了此分类的例证。
- 将HCP分组并扩展到包括相邻的AP。
- the analysis is extended to the second nearest neighbors for LCPs and is repeated in step 2.
- the process is repeated using the 2nd order HCPs and APs in step 3.

the transition temperature between Hexagonal-Closed-Pack (HCP) and Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) phases in iron occurs at 422 °C. Figure 4 illustrates the orientation relationship between the two phases.
When原位measurements are taken, it is possible to capture the microstructure while it is only partially transformed, enabling the orientation relationship to be directly observed in the scan data andEBSD图案。
In the scanning electron microscope, a sample was put on a heating stage, and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) observations were madein situat temperatures both above and below the transition point.
the differences between the two are relatively minor, and the reconstruction is considered to be of sufficient quality to capture the grain size in the pre-transformation microstructure.

图5。从CO样品收集的环境和高温下的EBSD IPF取向图,并从环境温度测量中开发了重建的父β晶粒。图片来源:Edax。
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