铸铁 - 关于铸铁的常见问题回答



Produced for hundreds of years, cast iron is often viewed as a low-end, rather cheap material. But in the last fifty years or so, better and more comprehensive knowledge of its qualities have been gained. One of the most important improvements has been its categorization and standardization. The different types of cast iron are now viewed as choice materials with properties that are irreplaceable in many respects.


The answer is NO. It is a completely different kind of alloy. Although cast iron and steel are both essentially made of iron and carbon, steel generally contains less than 0.5% carbon while cast iron contains more than 2.5%. The information that follows will help you learn more about cast iron.

What are The Main Distinctive Advantages of Cast Iron

  • Iron castings can be poured at lower temperatures than those required by steel.
  • Liquid iron is more fluid than steel, which allows for complex and varied shapes.
  • 铸铁比钢铁不容易铸造缺陷。




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    Fonderie Saguenay。(2019年4月29日)。铸铁 - 关于铸铁的常见问题已回答。azom。于2022年6月6日从//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=2802检索。

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    Fonderie Saguenay。"Cast Irons - Frequently Asked Questions about Cast Irons Answered".AZoM。2022年6月6日。

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    Fonderie Saguenay。"Cast Irons - Frequently Asked Questions about Cast Irons Answered". AZoM. //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=2802. (accessed June 06, 2022).

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    Fonderie Saguenay。2019。铸铁 - 关于铸铁的常见问题回答。Azom,2022年6月6日,https://www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=2802。


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