
Nanometer Tribology & Lubrication Analysis Using AFM

Rommma / Shutterstocl

The term “tribology” comes from the Greek word “tribo” meaning rubbing and “logy” meaning knowledge. The Greeks first applied tribology when they were attempting to understand the motion of large stones across the surface of the earth. Nowadays, tribology has expanded to include the systematic study of lubrication, friction, and wear.



A number of industrial processes need a comprehensive understanding of tribology at the nanoscale. Lubricant development in the automobile sector is governed by the adhesion of nanometer layers (monolayers) to a material surface. The assembly of components can rely critically on the adhesion of materials at the nanoscale.






  • Measurement of the thickness of liquid and solid lubricants that have nanometer or even monolayer thickness
  • 直接3D可视化疤痕或表面上的磨损轨道
  • Measurement of frictional forces at the nanoscale
  • 评估纳米级的机械性能,例如弹性,硬度和塑性变形
  • Surface characterization of texture, morphology, and roughness

Materials Suited for Analysis

A key advantage of the AFM for tribological research is that the AFM can be regularly used on all varieties of materials. Materials that are generally examined include ceramics, polymers, metals, semiconductors, optical materials, magnetic materials, and biomaterials. AFM investigations are commonly performed under ambient conditions. AFM studies can be carried out in a liquid or vacuum environment.



The AFM enables direct 3D visualization of scars and wear tracks. The images can be presented in a 3D projection and a 2D projection. Direct measurement of wear track depth can be simply performed using a line profile obtained from the AFM image.


众所周知,测量<100 nm的表面上的润滑剂层会极大地影响润滑行为。必须将这种薄膜描述为制作增强的润滑膜。但是,润滑膜的纳米级表征非常具有挑战性。

Optical methods such as ellipsometers can be employed for measuring the lubrication thickness of large sections (>10 μm2) of a surface. Measurement of the localized (<1 μm) film thickness cannot be done with the ellipsometer.



The thickness of lubrication films can be directly determined by measuring the changes in force/distance curves in an AFM.

Frictional Forces

Friction between two surfaces relies on the mechanical and chemical interaction between the surfaces. Variations in chemical composition resulting in friction can be measured using the AFM. The method for measuring these forces is known as lateral force, or frictional force microscopy.


Simultaneous Measurement of Topography and Friction Forces

The AFM can be used to measure topography and frictional force images at the same time. The topography image is obtained by tracking the vertical forces on the cantilever, and the friction image is obtained simultaneously by tracking the lateral motions of the cantilever.

Surface Texture/Morphology/Roughness


Nanoscale Mechanical Properties

Mechanical properties like hardness, stiffness, elastic modulus, and compressibility, as well as material characteristics such as plastic deformation and fracture, can be examined using the AFM.




Incorporating a fixture to the stage of the AFM enables the examination of material behavior, such as plastic deformation and fracture. The fixture allows forming forces on a sample while AFM images are being captured. A range of materials can be studied using such a method.



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