
Calibration of a universal testing machine involves validation of the accuracy of the system’s instruments responsible for achieving displacement and force measurements. Technically speaking, calibration of an instrument means comparing the instrument to one that has already been calibrated to an accepted traceable standard.

a universal testing machine.

Ultimately, this certifies the accuracy of instruments and determines traceability of the measurements. Internationally recognized standards have been created for calibration of strain and load rate (ASTM E2309), speed and displacement (ASTM E2658 and E2309), and measurement of dynamic force (ASTM E467), torque (ASTM E2624), tension and compression (ASTM E4).


An ADMET engineer calibrates a universal testing machine.

An ADMET engineer calibrates a universal testing machine.

ADMET provides a wide range of calibration and maintenance services for ADMET systems as well as those developed by other manufacturers including SATEC®,改装仪器®,Tinius Olsen,Shimadzu和Mts。

Why Should A System be Calibrated?

Generally, the aim of calibration of a通用测试机is to reduce uncertainties in test results by ensuring the accuracy of the measurement devices. Universal testing machines have been used by many companies to validate the material properties of their product during the quality control stage before distribution.


It is important to maintain an up-to-date calibration schedule in order to minimize the potential of manufacturing errors within a company. Inaccurate test results can lead a user to inaccurate conclusions about a test specimen in research and development laboratories, distorting the proposed findings.


How Often Should A System be Calibrated?

Accredited calibration certificates normally expire after one year. ADMET recommends that measurement devices integrated into a materials testing system must be calibrated annually, at a minimum, in order to ensure that the users’ materials testing system provides precise and accurate measurements. Users must review their calibration certificates annually in order to see if any devices have deviated significantly with regard to accuracy. This reduces the risk of generating invalid results.

除了常规的计划校准外,几个ISO和ASTM标准(例如ASTM E4)还需要在移动后重新校准系统。此外,某些行业可能受其他法规的约束,这些法规需要更频繁的校准。

How is Calibration Performed?

a universal testing machine.

ADMET technicians use the company’sGauge Buster 2 Portable Calibration unitin order to calibrate measurement devices on a materials testing system.

When a materials testing system is calibrated, the measurement device’s reference points are checked in comparison to a device calibrated to a recognized traceable standard laboratory, such as NIST. Internationally recognized standards determine the calibration procedures. For instance, ASTM E4 specifies compression and tension force calibration procedures.

必须校准的参考点的位置由标准确定并在初始运行中进行检查。该验证再次重复第二次。测量设备通过,如果每次运行的误差和重复性计算显示误差<1%,则验证校准。如果错误> 1%,服务技术人员将必须手动调整测量设备校准的值,以便测量值可以匹配校准设备的目标范围。


Who Can Carry Out Calibration on A System?

If customers are interested in learning more about calibration, or would like to get estimation for the calibration of their universal testing system, they can contact one of the company’s sales engineers.

The company’s sales engineers work directly with customers in order to properly decide components of their system’s calibration, and they also work with the scheduling department to provide the customers with quick and suitable calibration dates.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Admet, Inc. - Materials Testing Equipment.

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Admet, Inc. - Materials Testing Equipment


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    Admet,Inc .-材料欧洲杯足球竞彩测试设备。2020欧洲杯下注官网“校准通用测试机(UTM)的指南”。AZoM。21July 2021. .

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    Admet,Inc .-材料欧洲杯足球竞彩测试设备。2020欧洲杯下注官网2021。校准通用测试机(UTM)的指南。Azom,2021年7月21日,https://www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=4750。


  1. Kara Peel Kara Peel 美国 says:

    I am searching for an answer concerning daily calibration of a UTM. Is there a reference standard, say a calibrated piece of rubber with a known compression force value, that you could use daily to verify the function of the unit? I am new to this type of testing, but familiar with many other tests that use a daily set of values (like calibrating a balance each day).


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