
The need for ecologically safe, cost-effective solutions for the global demands of alternative energy sources is growing exponentially. Rapid developments have created new possibilities and have given rise to innovative technologies. Master Bond Inc. has been at the forefront in the formulation of adhesives, sealants, coatings, and potting/encapsulation compounds to meet the ever-changing needs of this vital industry.


Master Bond的高级解决方案和产品用于替代能源应用

Master Bond’s extensive product line includes formulations that serve as adhesives, sealants, coatings, and potting/encapsulation compounds for a variety of renewable energy devices. These systems are applied in:

  • Fuel cells
  • Hydropower devices
  • Wind turbines
  • Solar panels

Master Bond's products are applied in applications ranging from design and production to repair, maintenance, and field service.


主债券的粘合剂,密封剂和涂料可以在各种可再生能源应用中取代机械紧固件和垫圈,从风力涡轮机到太阳能电池板。使用Master Bond的可再生能源系统可以:

  • Lower production costs by reducing maintenance checks
  • Increase the durability and reliability of the renewable energy device
  • Seal leaks and protect against corrosion more effectively than mechanical fasteners

Master Bond的可再生能源粘合剂系统的属性

Master Bond's adhesives are custom formulated to meet specific design requirements of renewable energy applications. Specific grades might offer:

  • Non-toxicity
  • 导热系数
  • 电绝缘
  • Serviceability over a wide temperature range
  • 对热循环的抗性
  • Resistance to water and chemicals
  • NASA low outgassing specifications
  • High flexibility
  • Low viscosity
  • Optical clarity
  • Resistance to shock, impact, and vibration
  • Non-yellowing properties


产品 描述
最高11aoht 两个组件,室温固化,用于粘合和密封的热导电环氧树脂,具有高温电阻。高剪切力和剥皮强度。
EP21TDC Two component silver conductive epoxy for high-performance bonding and sealing featuring high peel strength, superior toughness and exceptionally low volume resistivity.
MB297 高强度,高粘度,快速固化氰基丙烯酸酯粘合剂,可用于晶状体固定中使用的可靠,具有成本效益的粘结。
EP37-3FLF Low stress, optically clear two component epoxy resin system for high-performance bonding, casting, and coating applications.
MASTERSIL 151 Two component, low viscosity silicone compound for high-performance casting, potting, and encapsulation used in solar cells.
UV15-7 一种具有电绝缘和耐化学性的紫外线紫外可固化的聚合物系统。
EP21AR 两种耐用,高性能,高强度涂层,衬里和具有出色耐化学性的粘合剂,尤其是酸的两个成分环氧树脂系统。


Adhesives, Sealants, Coatings, Renewable Energy

We offer a wide array of packaging options to speed productivity, minimize waste and save energy including...

  • Quantities from grams to gallons
  • 罐,瓶子和罐子
  • Cartridges for manual and pneumatic guns
  • Premixed and frozen syringes
  • Bipaks for field service kits

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Master Bond Inc.

有关此消息来源的更多信息,请访问Master Bond Inc.


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    Master Bond Inc ..(2021年11月29日)。可再生能源应用的粘合剂,密封剂和涂料。azom。于2022年5月15日从//www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?articleId=5762检索。

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    主债券公司. "Adhesives, Sealants, and Coatings for Renewable Energy Applications".azom. 15 May 2022. .

  • 芝加哥

    主债券公司. "Adhesives, Sealants, and Coatings for Renewable Energy Applications". AZoM. //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5762. (accessed May 15, 2022).

  • Harvard

    主债券公司. 2021.可再生能源应用的粘合剂,密封胶和涂料. AZoM, viewed 15 May 2022, //www.wireless-io.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5762.

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