Bicomponent Extrusion

Topics Covered


Commercial Fibre Production

Oxide Fibres

Non-Oxide Fibres

Ceramic Fibre Usage

Organic Matrix Composites

Metal Matrix Composites

Ceramic Matrix Composites

Bicomponent Extrusion

Production Variables

Advantages of Bicomponent Extrusion

Present and Future Applications


Advances in engineering rely on the development of new materials. The materials must have improved properties, capable of being tailored to a specific application need, to fulfil the requirements of designers of the future. Ceramic fibres are playing a major part in enabling the development of new composite materials capable of withstanding the forces and temperatures exerted on components in industries as diverse as aerospace and sports goods. However, the currently available fibres have limitations or problems associated with their manufacture and use, and can be expensive.

Commercial Fibre Production

Several types of ceramic fibres are currently available for use in a variety of applications. These can be divided into two main categories.

Oxide Fibres


The sol-gel method produces microscopic gels by the spinning of viscous solutions of inorganic metal alkoxide polymers and silicon alkoxide, which are then heated to drive off any volatile materials to produce porous fibres with a non-uniform cross-section. Finally, single crystal fibres can be made from the film edge defined growth process, an expensive technique which produces alumina, and yttria-stabilised alumina filaments.

Non-Oxide Fibres


Ceramic Fibre Usage


Organic Matrix Composites

Organic matrix composites are generally reinforced by either glass or carbon fibres, which increase stiffness and fatigue life, and decrease the dielectric constant, improving the compressive strength. Glass matrix composites have been developed for use in gas turbine or military applications. In general, these are either lithium or magnesium alumino-silicates reinforced by silicon carbide fibres, or glassy carbon systems made from phenolic resins, reinforced by various non-oxide fibres.

Metal Matrix Composites


Ceramic Matrix Composites

Ceramic matrix composites can also benefit from the use of ceramic reinforcing fibres, but again, reaction between the fibre and the body ceramic can cause degradation.

Bicomponent Extrusion

双成分挤出是一种旋转技术,可以通过干燥或熔体旋转通过相同的孔口同时挤出两个不同的陶瓷前体。这主要产生具有核心和护套组件结构的陶瓷纤维,尽管可以使用基质 - 纤维和其他组件的其他排列。


Production Variables

The innovative production apparatus, has a maximum extrusion capability of one litre per hour from both the precursor reservoirs, giving a theoretical annual production capacity of 250kg of bicomponent fibre, an excellent rate for a laboratory scale machine. With industrial modifications, such as multiple extrusion nozzles and larger pumps, the process could produce the fibres at a phenomenal rate. Fibres with a 7-14 µm core and a 1-2 µm sheath can be produced at speeds of up to 200-300 metres per minute using the laboratory machine, figure 1. The final diameter and speed of extrusion are controlled by several factors:


The core/sheath spinerette ratio, and the ratio of the wall thickness of the core spinerette to the total diameter of the spinerette orifice.

The draw down ratio, or the reduction in diameter due to extrusion required to extract enough solvent to allow solid filament formation.


The length of the chamber, and the direction of gas flow.

Figure 1.Bicomponent extrusion using the monomeric precursors a and b.

The control of the pyrolysis regime is also of importance to the final product, and in particular the factors of time, temperature and atmospheric gases. Contained within the patents for the bicomponent extrusion process are methods to control stoichiometry, and to control pyrolysis speed to match extrusion output, allowing a continuous process, rather than the batch processes currently used.

Advantages of Bicomponent Extrusion

The bicomponent process, by generating ceramic fibres with a core-sheath structure, can eliminate many problems experienced when using monolithic ceramic fibres in composite materials. The sheath can act as an interfacial barrier, preventing reaction between the core and the metal matrix in metal matrix composites, for example, and allowing the production of a wide variety of systems, table 1. Other advantages include:


Tailored properties for individual applications

Enhanced strength through lower oxygen content.

表格1。Metal and ceramic matrix composites incorporating ceramic fibres produced by the bicomponent extrusion process.





















Yttrium- Al2O3






Present and Future Applications


Future applications of ceramic matrix composites are also numerous, and include reducing the weight and therefore the launch costs of satellites, heat shields for space planes, rocket engine components, advanced organic matrix composite tooling (removing the need for stainless steel moulds), high precision machine tools, body armour and military hardware applications, biomedical implants, and biomimetics.

目前,陶瓷纤维的用途受其可操作的温度的限制,但预计将来会随着新设计的纤维(例如双成分类型)的利用而上升。研究感兴趣的另一个领域可能是从3GNM的当前值提高拉伸强度-2to 9GNm-2, although the theoretical maximum of 27GNm-2is unlikely to be achieved! Other ceramic fibre formulations are also under consideration, with titanium silicide showing promise.

Primary author: Gerard Curran

Source: Materials World, Vol. 4 no. 4 pp. 192-93, April 1996

有关材料世界的更多信息,请访问欧洲杯足球竞彩The Institute of Materials

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