Insights from industry


Dr. Michael Foster, Director at IS-Instruments Ltd, talks to AZoM about high throughput OEM spectrometer for Raman spectroscopy.

Why is the new high throughput/etendue spectrometer ideal for Raman spectroscopy?


Raman spectroscopy is an ideal technique for many quality control and assurance applications. This is particularly true in the pharmaceutical industry, where it can provide fast, precise identification of the chemical composition of a given material. However, most Raman systems can only sample small areas (<< 1 mm diameter) of a given target, such as a pharmaceutical tablet, due to their limited etendue.

In order to acquire a truly accurate reading the whole sample must be measured, which requires the spectrometer to make measurements of a diffuse source that could be at least 1 – 5 mm in diameter. The increased etendue offered by IS-Instruments HES spectrometer allows measurements to be made of these diffuse samples in a cost effective package.



Our aim was to produce a system that would be targeted for on-line measurements with most of the capability of the lab-based systems but at a price point comparable with the portable systems. Thus we have a performance advantage over the portable systems and a significant price advantage over the lab-based systems, making this an ideal choice for Quality Assurance type applications.






The system was designed to be fibre coupled for ease of use and enable the OEM functionality. The large etendue allows the instrument to be coupled to large core optical fibres, up to 1.5 mm core diameters have been demonstrated. Using such large core fibres allows the system to be easily integrated into a variety of configurations of receiving optics, from simple lens arrangements to large aperture fast telescopes.


What would you describe as the main end-user requirements for this device?




Yes a good example is在我们的网站上介绍。此简短的技术说明描述了使用光谱仪进行的测试,以从加压气管中的2.4 m样品距离进行拉曼测量。该系统能够在不到10分钟的时间内鉴定二甲苯的微小样品。测试显示系统的敏感性及其对现场应用的适用性。



There are several issues that affect spectrometers, although no one problem could be considered common to all. Mechanical effects, such as flexure or thermal stresses, can affect all spectrometers. Over time this may result in a spectrometer drifting, causing issues with correct identification of spectral lines or sensitivity and requiring at least recalibration.


Our system provides very high performance but has no moving parts. This results in an inherently more stable configuration, like the portable spectrometers, but with performance closer to the lab-based set-ups.








We at IS-Instruments are continuing to work on new advances in the spectrometer design specifically trying to improve its internal transmission. As new detector technology becomes available, new models of the instrument will be produced (including possible photon counting systems using EMCCDs). We are also developing new and innovative methods of capturing the Raman photons with application use in mind. We will be putting a range of new spectrometer products and accessories on the market in the next 6 – 12 months.

Where can we find further information?

Further information can be found at我们的网站, or by contacting myself at[电子邮件保护]


迈克尔·福斯特(Michael Foster)博士在1999年在彗星氛围的研究中完成了博士学位。由于他对仪器的兴趣,他随后进入了LiDar和遥感领域。在过去的11年中,他在该地区工作,在许多太空激光雷达项目中发挥了关键作用,包括设计Earthcare,ADM(Aeolus)和Ascope任务的过滤解决方案。Michael Foster

Foster博士被公认为是英国的LiDar Instrumentation的主要专家之一,并且在过去十年中与许多研究小组合作,发展了各种概念。其中包括UCL,伦敦帝国学院,莱斯特大学,开放大学和南安普敦大学。

2010年,乔纳森·斯托里(Jonathan Storey)博士迈克尔(Michael)建立了Is-Inspruments,以使用光学仪器为工业问题开发新的解决方案。特别是,这包括开发可用于工业环境的新的高通量光谱仪。

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  • APA

    IS-Instruments, Ltd.. (2020, January 31). High Throughput OEM Spectrometer for Raman Spectroscopy. AZoM. Retrieved on June 23, 2021 from //

  • MLA

    Is-Inspruments,Ltd ..“用于拉曼光谱法的高吞吐量OEM光谱仪”。azom。2021年6月23日。

  • 芝加哥

    Is-Inspruments,Ltd ..“用于拉曼光谱法的高吞吐量OEM光谱仪”。azom。//。(2021年6月23日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Is-Inspruments,Ltd .. 2020。高吞吐量OEM光谱仪用于拉曼光谱仪。Azom,2021年6月23日,。


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