




Only 43 percent of vinyl comes from non-renewable petroleum feedstocks. The balance (57 percent) comes from salt. Worldwide vinyl production represents less than 0.3 percent of all annual oil and gas consumption.



Vinyl can be Safely Incinerated

In a landmark independent study conducted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers involving 1,900 test results from 169 large-scale, commercial incinerator facilities throughout the world (including municipal, medical and hazardous waste units), researchers found no significant correlation between the chlorine content of waste and dioxin emissions. Instead, the study stated, incinerator design and operating conditions are the critical factors in dioxin generation and emissions.

Vinyl can be Recycled

An estimated 11.7 million pounds of post-consumer vinyl were recycled in the U.S. in 1997. The industry helped develop the equipment that automatically separates vinyl from other post-consumer plastic packaging, and is supporting efforts to expand recycling for non-packaging waste, such as construction and demolition scrap.

Vinyl Additives Have Been Carefully Researched

添加剂用于乙烯基密切的监管number of agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food & Drug Administration and the Consumer Products Safety Commission. As to recent concerns linking phthalate plasticizers with the phenomenon of "endocrine disruption," new research indicates that phthalates used with vinyl pose little if any risk of acting as environmental estrogens under real-world conditions.



The Vinyl Industry Subscribes to Strict Manufacturing Standards



Fire death rates have decreased dramatically in recent decades - the same time frame during which vinyl use has increased threefold. Research and studies of real fires continue to indicate that carbon monoxide - produced by virtually anything that burns - is the primary cause of fire deaths, and early detection and suppression of fires are key to reducing death rates further. Vinyl products are inherently flame-retardant due to their chlorine base, do not readily ignite and most will not continue to burn once a flame source is removed. The products of vinyl combustion are no more hazardous than those produced by other materials, both natural and synthetic. Most recently, the official report cleared vinyl as a cause in the April 1996 Düsseldorf Airport fire, citing instead carbon monoxide, other materials and safety violations.


Over the years, the vinyl industry has subjected its products to extensive testing to demonstrate that they are safe to use and it maintains an active testing program to address new standards, as well as new concerns, as they develop. It's also important to note that vinyl products meet a demanding range of health and safety standards established by numerous agencies including the Food & Drug Administration, the National Sanitation Foundation, the National Fire Protection Association, all three model building codes and the Consumer Products Safety Commission.

Source: The Vinyl Institute


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