Metal Theft No More?



现在,一家英国公司正试图带领反对这一昂贵犯罪的战斗。签名材料以及Pryo欧洲杯足球竞彩r Marking Technologies Ltd开发了一种简单而有效的标记金属方法,因此更容易追踪和更难非法传递。

我最近与签名材料项目经理David Arthur赶上了有关当前面临的一些问题以及签名材料如何提供帮助欧洲杯足球竞彩的看法。

In your opinion, what are the current issues surrounding metal theft?



用雕刻的镀锡铜线。图片来源:Signature Materials



由于该计划的成功,内政部要求IOM查看金属盗窃的越来越多的问题。People in the electricity industry, transportation and telecoms along with the law enforcement agencies were all saying ‘we’ve got a problem, what can we do?’ Networking groups kicked ideas around and as a result we hit on the idea of the marking systems we now offer.

We started out looking at copper wire particularly used in transportation cable bundles with a trial through London Underground and the British Transport Police. This resulted in readable marks etched on to the surface of the copper wire, to deter theft by making it more difficult to pass on.


Signature Materials has got two different processes, but they both have the same result, just using a different technique. We engrave the surface of a material, , with a customisable signature the end user can specify, but typically what we put on is a postcode combined with a owners name, and perhaps a building reference number.

For example, we’ve been working with Electricity North West in England, marking copper found in sub-stations such as earthing tape which is regularly stolen because it’s not live.

We’ve been marking this using our portable machines in the field and we’ve put ‘ENWL’, so it shows the owner, the sub-station number, the postcode and then this thing called MARC, which links that particular piece of copper to an entry on our national register, a web based database.


So one advantage over forensic or DNA based solutions is that you don’t have to wait for analysis back, you can actually check there and then with the owner or with us.


标记曼彻斯特的原位enwl网格站。图片来源:Signature Materials


我们业务的两个主要链 - 一种是基于电线的产品,因此我们已经对铜线进行了一些试验。


We’re only 1 year in as a business, but where we are looking at going is electricity distribution companies in the UK.

在标记设施中发现的典型警告贴纸。图片来源:Signature Materials

It is certainly a noble cause, and the potential is there for this novel marking technique to significantly diminish metal theft in the future.

通过在下面的评论来让我们知道您的意见 - 您认为这种新技术在解决金属盗窃方面有多成功?

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the author expressed in their private capacity and do not necessarily represent the views of Limited T/A AZoNetwork the owner and operator of this website. This disclaimer forms part of theTerms and conditionsof use of this website.

G.P. Thomas


G.P. Thomas

加里(Gary)毕业于曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester),获得地球化学的一流荣誉学位和地球科学硕士学位。欧洲杯线上买球在澳大利亚采矿业工作之后,加里决定挂断他的地质靴子,然后把手转向写作。当他不开发话题和信息丰富的内容时,通常可以发现加里弹他心爱的吉他,或者看着阿斯顿·维拉(Aston Villa)FC抢夺胜利的失败。


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