


  • 如果用户可以通过一个易于运行的自动分析平台在多个分析方法之间切换,该怎么办?
  • What if users could operate different applications on a single system without any changes to hardware?
  • What if users could speed up analysis time, enabling them to make crucial decisions faster?
  • What if users could enhance instrument uptime and minimize expensive consumable costs?

The solution to all the questions above is the燃料的VUV分析仪,最新的燃料分析创新。

VUV燃料分析仪汇集了气相色谱 - 紫外线光谱(GC-VUV)的功率,易于使用VUV分析软件以及燃料特异性应用的集合。这种组合提供了一种用户友好的解决方案,该解决方案会在早期所花费的一小部分内自动分析燃料。

Market-Leading Solutions to Deliver Excellent Fuels Analysis Results

Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy—Universal and Unambiguous

VUV spectroscopy, characterized by very short wavelengths of light, is a versatile, mass-sensitive detection method that offers both qualitative and quantitative data. Nearly all gas-phase molecules exhibit strong absorption in the vacuum ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Hence compound-specific spectra offer superior selectivity and unequivocal identification. Since VUV spectra display class similarities, fuel analysis is simplified to a large extent by the VUV Analyzer for Fuels.

VUV分析软件 - 易于“按钮”轻松分析,可确保快速准确的结果

VUV Analyze软件具有强大的收购后处理功能,可以轻松单击按钮来生成有意义的结果。这个新颖的软件平台迅速分析复杂的色谱和光谱数据,以生成特定于方法的结果和报告。VUV分析启用的自动化可以使软件流线并加快分析时间,同时减少错误。这意味着用户可以对结果更加自信。

快速而精确的分析—Automatically Deconvolve Co-Eluting Compounds

Compounds tend to co-elute even with proper chromatographic separation. This is specifically true for complicated samples. The VUV Analyzer for Fuels offers a robust and automated solution: Time Interval Deconvolution (TID).


Multi-Method Platform Architecture—Maximize the Value of Investment by Working Several Techniques on a Single Analyzer

燃料的VUV分析仪是一个易于使用,价值和灵活性创建的平台。在一个VUV分析仪上使用多种技术来为燃料进行多种技术,使用户可以使用相同的检测器,GC和软件在各种分析之间快速更改。这种简化了用户的操作,并加快了跨技术的调查时间,包括筛选喷气燃料(ASTM D8267),汽油(ASTM D8071),二烯价值,溴数量和非传统汽油添加剂(NTGA)。

一种pplication-Specific Spectral Libraries—Unique and Complete Spectral Libraries for Clear Identification



整个企业的理想平台—Scalable and Secure, from R&D to Production

The VUV Analyzer for Fuels is adequately flexible to function in R&D environments where full control over all software operations is crucial, particularly for method development or review. In addition, it is secure enough to regulate the functionality available to users in production roles.

For instance, it is possible for R&D users to develop techniques and then transfer the developed techniques to production users who can load, work, and produce results. This means that the same library and response parameters are used for the analysis, making it free from operator or retention needs. The result is a completely all-inclusive and easy-to-use solution that will boost productivity across the enterprise.

VUV分析支持和应用服务 - 提高生产力和控制成本

The VUV Analyzer for Fuels will improve the productivity of users’ fuel analysis. However, its longstanding success relies on how well users maintain the system. VUV Analytics offers the services and programs that users would need to maintain the expected performance level from the VUV Analyzer for Fuels.

VUV Analytics提供了一系列用于培训,服务和支持以及应用程序帮助的解决方案。该公司高技能和合格的VUV专业人员的使命是为用户提供获得成功所需的专业知识和响应能力水平。


Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
Multi-Method Platform Architecture
一种pplication-Specific Spectral Libraries
VUV Analytics Support and Application Services

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