SonaVu™ Converts Sources of Airborne Ultrasound into Visual Images

SDT’s SonaVu™ is an acoustic imaging camera, which can identify sources of airborne ultrasound and translate them into a visual image on its touch screen. This is achieved with the help of its 112 ultrasonic sensors and an optical camera.


使用声学摄像头,可以将缺陷和故障模式从最高50 m的范围内进行精确定位和可视化。多亏了Sonavu™的可视化功能,它也很容易使用。通过最少的设备培训,维护技术人员可以自信地检查其资产是否在引起意外停机时间之前。


Video Credit: SDT Ultrasound Solutions


System leaks take away 35–40% of demand, with electricity accounting for 75% of costs. As a result of leaks, profits are lost and the environment is polluted.

SonaVu™ Converts Sources of Airborne Ultrasound into Visual Images

Image Credit: SDT Ultrasound Solutions



SonaVu™ Converts Sources of Airborne Ultrasound into Visual Images

Image Credit: SDT Ultrasound Solutions

There are several reasons why a leaking compressed air system is low on the maintenance staff's priority list.

  • Some people do not associate compressed air with energy consumption
  • Maintenance personnel dislikes using the ultrasound detector to locate leaks, label them and repair them
  • 并非所有的维护技术人员都知道找到压缩空气泄漏的最快,最简单的方法
  • 用户没有时间在繁忙的日程中做需要肘部油脂的小事情,例如修复一些空气泄漏并节省数千美元的能源


Performing a compressed air leak survey and locating those pesky leaks has never been easier with SonaVu™. Furthermore, because SonaVu™ can detect leaks from up to 50 m away, even hard-to-reach compressed airlines will not go undetected.

Electrical Asset Reliability

SonaVu™ can also assist in improving the dependability of your electrical assets. Unreliable electric assets cost millions in downtime and repairs, and they have the potential to injure and kill.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Before an electrical asset becomes dangerous such that arc flash and arc blast can occur, there are a few signs that inform users that the asset is becoming unstable. The most important way to avoid these costly and dangerous electrical malfunctions is to detect the malfunctions early on.

The first sign of a deteriorating electrical asset is partial discharge. The effects of partial discharge produce airborne ultrasound signals that are easily detectable with SonaVu™. Sources of partial discharge can be found on all kinds of high voltage electrical assets, such as Switchgear, transformers, underground cables and overhead lines, etc.



SonaVu™ Converts Sources of Airborne Ultrasound into Visual Images

Image Credit: SDT Ultrasound Solutions

Reducing Fugitive Emissions

SonaVu™ is also a secure method of detecting fugitive emissions.

The cost of fugitive gas and vapor emissions from pressured systems is high, and they contribute to global pollution. Users can identify their source from a safe distance with SonaVu™.



However, this deliberate disregard for fugitive emissions comes with a price. Several dangers can arise as they leak into the air we breathe. While some fugitive emissions produce only unpleasant odors, others can pose a serious safety risk to both plant personnel and those living nearby.


Scanning hot zones for fugitive emissions with your SonaVu™ will reveal the location of dangerous and expensive leaks. Furthermore, inspectors do not need to worry about scanning for leaks inside or outside because SonaVu™ ultrasonic detection capabilities are not affected by wind.

SonaVu™ Converts Sources of Airborne Ultrasound into Visual Images

Image Credit: SDT Ultrasound Solutions

Sonavu Insights™:完整的压缩空气泄漏管理系统

SonaVu InSights™ is a web application for establishing immediate reports of compressed air leak and electrical asset surveys that have been performed using the SonaVu Acoustic Imaging Camera from SDT. Users can find documents, prioritize repairs, estimate cost impact, eliminate energy waste and save money with this free application.

Sonavu Insights™图像和报告库是使用Sonavu™声学成像摄像头存储,组织,分析和优先确定发现的安全场所。(目前在欧洲不可用)




Image Credit: SDT Ultrasound Solutions


Source: SDT Ultrasound Solutions

Sensor (Microphone) 112 Channel Digital MEMS
有效的珍贵范围 2 kHx to 48 kHz
麦克风灵敏度 >-41 dBFS
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 66 dB(A)
相机框架速度 25 fps
Detection Distance 0.3m至50m(11.8英寸至164英尺)
Display Type 5英寸颜色LCD +触摸控制
电池寿命 4 Hours
产品尺寸 237毫米x 146毫米x 56毫米(x 2.2英寸x 5.7英寸9.3)
产品重量 1.2 kg (2.64 lb)
Operating Temperature -200 c至500 c(-40 F至1220 F)
Brand SonaVuTM值由SDT提供支持

Visitwww.sonavu.comto learn more.

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