一个新的“三明治风格”制造工艺将半导体放置在两个镜子之间的一个原子薄,使澳大利亚研究人员能够基于轻质的混合颗粒激素激烈的 - 极 - 果龙,朝着超低的能量电子迈出了重要一步。欧洲杯猜球平台
为了帮助企业改变和加速机器视觉检查,Chromasens今天宣布,其Allpixa Evo线扫描摄像机家族扩展了三种与最新版本的Ultra-Fast Coaxpress界面完全兼容的新型号。
其他人看到一堆垃圾,赖斯大学化学家James Tour看到了一个象征性的金矿。
Glasses are vital materials in everyday life. A key reason is that it is possible to manufacture glasses globally in several shapes and sizes at less cost, using the corresponding melting techniques.
Since the discovery of the superconductivity phenomena in 1911, scientists have been on the lookout for feasible materials that reach their superconducting state at higher temperatures, enabling them to be operated with cheaper coolants or advanced cryocoolers.
Ion separation using membrane separation technology is of great importance in the fields including energy conversion and storage, environmental detection and resource reuse.