Superconductors are something like a miracle in the modern world. Their unique property of zero resistance can revolutionize power transmission and transport (e.g., Maglev train). However, most of the conventional superconductors require cooling down to extremely low temperatures that can only be achieved with liquid helium, a rather expensive coolant.
Chemical engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago and UCLA have answered longstanding questions about the underlying processes that determine the life cycle of liquid foams. The breakthrough could help improve the commercial production and application of foams in a broad range of industries.
A majority of the people do not rethink about the food scraps they dispose of. But scientists from the Institute of Industrial Science at The University of Tokyo have devised a new technique to decrease food waste by recycling disposed vegetable and fruit scraps into strong construction materials.
3D-Micromac AG是半导体,光伏,医疗设备和电子市场的激光微机加工和滚动激光系统的行业领导者,今天引入了Microceti™ - 第一个激光微机械平台,该平台支持所有激光器流程中的所有激光器流程批量生产要求所需的高吞吐量和精度和低成本。
H.E.L Group(H.E.L)是全球开发商兼工艺优化,安全性和规模扩大的创新实验室工具的制造商,今天宣布任命Oh Chee Keat(Brice OH)为亚太地区的区域销售总监。