巴斯夫's Polyisobutene Continues to Continues to Seal Wondow Systems

窗户不仅是您可以看到的开口,还可以将建筑物与外界联系起来,并充当清淡和新鲜空气的管道。窗户中使用的绝缘玻璃的质量对于舒适的室内气候很重要。如今,窗户板之间的空间几乎总是充满高贵的气体,以增强绝缘层。即使经过多年的风化,海豹也必须保持完整。封闭绝缘窗玻璃的主要密封剂必须不渗透气汽油和水蒸气。基于Oppanol®的主要密封剂,由oppanol®提供巴斯夫,满足这些严格的要求。柔性,防水且耐紫外线辐射,Oppanol也非常耐用。这就是为什么用于绝缘玻璃的主要密封剂制造商,例如KömmerlingChemische Fabrik GmbH,Pirmasens,Germany,使用Lud -Wigshafen的BASF的PIB。

“We have been using Oppanol from BASF for many decades, and we are very satisfied with the product,” says Ernst Semar, who is responsible for product management and marketing at Kömmerling. Kömmerling is a leading international manufacturer of high-quality adhesives and sealants. The company has been supplying systems to the insulated glass, automotive and construction in¬dustries for more than 110 years. Kömmerling is the market leader for insulated glass sealants, and its products are sold in more than 80 countries worldwide. “We selected BASF as our supplier of PIB for reasons of quality, price, service and innovation,” says Semar.

Kömmerling uses Oppanol® in the manufacture of a plastic sealant that holds the sheets of glass to the spacer that keeps them apart. The sealant forms a barrier between the glass and the spacer that is impermeable to gases. “Moisture is prevented from entering from outside, and the glass remains free of condensation. The sealant also ensures that the noble gas that is used to improve the heat insulation is not allowed to escape from the voids between the panes,” explains Semar. Poorly insulated windows are expensive, and the latest calculations show that around 40 percent of energy used for heating the average house escapes through the windows. High-quality insu¬lated window sealants made from Oppanol® help to save money. It is also very important to Kömmerling that its products are environmentally friendly. “Oppanol® is a material that is very easy to process, and it’s excellent from an ecological point of view,” says the product manager.

The close cooperation between BASF and Kömmerling is not restricted to Europe. In 2000, Kömmerling was acquired by ADCO Global Inc., based in Chicago, Illinois. Since then, there has been intensive cooperation between Kömmerling/ADCO and BASF Corporation in Florham Park, New Jersey. Saving energy has become an important issue in the United States because of the constant rises in heating fuels in recent years, and the awareness of the importance of energy conser¬vation shown by the general public has been a source of encouragement to Kömmerling/ADCO and BASF. “In America, the level of interest that is being shown in high-quality insulated glass sealants made from Oppanol® is increasing constantly,” says Timea Marsalko, Ph.D., BASF business manager for polyisobutene in the United States.



The partnership between these two leading companies in their respective fields of technology is paying dividends in a number of ways. “TPS® is a significant new application for Oppanol®, and it is a good example of the innovative potential that can be realized by close cooperation between BASF and Kömmerling/ADCO,” says Erwin Czech, Ph.D., BASF’s sales manager for polyisobutene in Europe.


