Ashok K. Khare, FASM, president, Ash Khare Consulting LLC, Warren, Pa., has been recognized for "improvements in the large forging and casting technology of steel and superalloys and for general contributions to the technical community through dedication to supporting societies."
Awarded since 1919, Honorary Membership recognizes distinguished service to materials science and engineering,ASM国际, and the progress of humanity.
Medal for the Advancement of Research - Dr. Lawrence D. Burns, vice president, General Motors Research & Development and Strategic Planning, General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich., has been recognized for "extraordinary vision, leadership, and perseverance in championing GM's reinvention of the automobile around advanced propulsion, electronics, telematics, and materials technologies."
宾夕法尼亚州埃尔伍德市ECI Ellwood Group Inc.总裁兼首席执行官David Barensfeld,“在美国和全球市场的钢铁和专业金属业务中有远见的领导力”。
新泽西州辛纳明森(Cinnaminson)的Hoeganaes Corp.总裁Robert J. Fulton“在粉冶金行业持续发展中的杰出领导和坚定的支持”。
金牌 - 俄亥俄州赖特 - 帕特森空军基地空军研究实验室高级科学家Sheldon L.“ Lee” Semiatin博士因“对开发和应用对基本了解的杰出贡献和应用对对人的基本理解的杰出贡献而获得认可航空航天材料的热机械和其他高级工艺的设计,包括常规金属和金属合金。”欧洲杯足球竞彩
威廉·亨特·艾森曼奖 - 马萨诸塞州伯灵顿的苏里·萨斯特里(Suri A.企业为全球客户提供独特的先进材料和工程解决方案。”欧洲杯足球竞彩
Albert Sauveur Achievement Award -- Prof. Terence G. Langdon, FASM, William E. Leonhard Professor of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, has been recognized for "pioneering research in the processing of ultrafine-grained metals by severe plastic deformation and for fundamental investigations into the properties of materials processed by equal-channel angular pressing."
Allan Ray Putnam服务奖 - Savannah River National Laboratory,Aiken,S.C。FASM的McIntyre R. Louthan博士,FASM,Savannah River National Laboratory,“因“继续通过教育,培训和信息转移以及不断为ASM国际的服务,并不断地为ASM国际服务证明理解材料是如此令人兴奋,以至于其他人有动力在材料领域工作。”欧洲杯足球竞彩
该奖项成立于1988年,旨在表彰代表协会进一步实现其目标和目标的ASM International成员的模范努力。
Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award - Dr. James C. M. Li, FASM, A. A. Hopeman Professor of Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., has been recognized for "seminal contributions in a number of subdisciplines such as work hardening and deformation, thermodynamics of solids, dislocation theory, and amorphous materials which have been the benchmark for undergraduate and graduate education in materials science and engineering."
Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers - Dr. T. John Balk II, assistant professor of materials science, Dept. of Chemical & Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, has been recognized for "dedication, service, and mentoring of Materials Science and Engineering students."
工程材料成就奖 - 美国欧洲杯足球竞彩超导体公司(American Superoductor Corp.
Established in 1969, this award recognizes an outstanding achievement in materials or materials systems relating to the application of knowledge of materials to an engineering structure or to the design and manufacture of a product.
Graduate Student Paper Contest - Wan Chuck Woo, Ph. D. candidate, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has been recognized for his paper,"Influence of the Tool Pin and Shoulder on Texture, Microstructure, and Natural Aging Kinetics in a Friction Stir Processed 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy."
波音公司ASM总裁Dianne Chong博士说:“代表我们社会的成员,董事会和员工,庆祝这些个人及其公司的成就是一种荣幸。”