康宁开始在Tainan Plant LCD玻璃设施融化

Corning Incorporated在台湾塔南科学工业园区的液晶玻璃制造设施(LCD)玻璃制造设施上开始了融化操作。欧洲杯线上买球康宁(Corning)与客户和政府官员一起加入,揭开了新的融化操作,并标志着该工厂的热玻璃业务正式开始。

Tainan工厂的第一个熔化能力单位是康宁于2003年7月宣布的1.8亿美元扩张的一部分,是康宁长期在LCD Glass Manufacturing持续领导的长期战略的关键里程碑。在2004年的1.8亿美元扩张计划下,其余的熔化能力增加将在2004年进行。展望未来,康宁将继续显着提高其LCD玻璃制造能力,以保持预期的行业需求以及预期的玻璃基板的预期转移。LCD制造商。2004年2月宣布在该公司的泰南(Tainan)和日本(Shizuoka)的日本设施上进行了6亿美元扩张的宣布,这是最近证明的。该扩张的能力将于2004年底和整个2005年开始生产。

"Today’s commencement ceremony marks a key milestone for Corning and our customers in Taiwan," said Donald B. McNaughton, senior vice president of Corning’s Display Group. "The new production capacity we have recently announced will continue to come on line through 2005, maintaining Corning’s position as the world-leading supplier of LCD substrates."

Continuing to demonstrate the scalability of the company’s fusion technology, Corning is a leading supplier of Generation 5 glass substrates and, in June 2003, became the first and only commercial supplier of Generation 6 substrates. Further, Corning is now building Generation 7 fusion manufacturing in its Samsung Corning Precision factory in Cheonan, Korea and commercial shipments are planned for the second half of 2004. Corning is already in the early development stages for Generation 8, preparing to support the industry’s continuing migration to larger glass substrates.




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