BASF Raises Awareness on Engine System Coolant

Anyone buying or selling a used car has to pay attention to many things: are the engine and transmission okay, do the clutch and gears work smoothly, are the brakes responsive?

但是,并非所有人都知道车辆的冷却系统还需要定期维护和检查。由于冷却液的变化并不总是在服务簿中记录下来,因此通常不可能知道以及何时更换冷却液以及使用了什么冷却液 - 尤其是如果汽车已经使用了几年。

Frequently, the coolant in used cars is in poor condition. This can lead to several risks at the same time, explains Ralf Strauss, technical marketing manager in巴斯夫的Automotive & Refinery Chemicals business unit. If the coolant mixing ratio is not right, the radiator can crack and the engine be destroyed as a result of the freezing of the cooling water at low winter temperatures. In the summer there is the risk of the engine overheating − and a breakdown is inevitable. If the additives − inhibitors − that form a protective coating on the metals have degraded too much or if they are not of the right quality, corrosion may occur. Strauss knows that, not infrequently, the original branded coolant is mixed with a cheap unbranded product and, as a result of incompatibilities, problems can then arise with the various components in the cooling system.

Therefore, it is always advisable to replace the engine coolant when buying or selling a used car and to use a branded product such as Glysantin®. When the old coolant has been drained off, the cooling system should be flushed with clear water before being refilled. Tables published by BASF provide help on choosing the optimum grade of Glysantin for a particular vehicle; they can be found on the Internet at

Used-car buyers or sellers who put their trust in Glysantin are always on the safe side. The coolant in the white bottle with the unmistakable red logo is one of the oldest quality brands in Germany and has now been providing protection against frost, rust and overheating for almost 80 years. This three-in-one action is essential for all-round engine protection. Also, this high-tech product does not have any effect on rubber and plastics and it can easily be recycled. Glysantin is suitable for use in all vehicles.




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