Sterolithography and Titanium Help Rebuild Wounded Soldiers Jaw

2004年,在巴格达街道上拖动残疾车辆时,军队Staff Sgt. Terry Saffron's HUMVEE was struck by an improvised explosive device. When he came to, he had an injured arm and a shattered jaw.

For years he suffered debilitating jaw pain and was unable to chew. Army doctors worked to repair it but they were unable to get blood flow to the jaw to keep the bone alive.

Sergeant Saffron was referred to Wilford Hall Medical Center here and Maj. (Dr.) Cecelia Schmalbach, chief of head and neck microvascular surgery, for the next steps in his rehabilitation.

One of Dr. Schmalbach's first steps in repairing Sergeant Saffron's jaw was to have a model created of how his jaw should look. She turned to Wilford Hall's stereolithography lab for this.


The lab's technicians first used images from CT scans to create a 3-D graphic. They then used 3-D sculpting tools and advanced modeling techniques to produce a mirror image the patient's mandible and created a corrected anatomical jaw. A computer-guided laser used the graphic to create an epoxy photopolymer resin model of how his jaw should look.



"There is no question in my mind that I could not have achieved the quality of reconstruction and returning this patient to normal occlusion without the aid of the stereolithography models," said Dr. Schmalbach.

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