
Rohm and Haas Company美国国家标准技术研究所(NIST)获得了200万美元的高级技术计划奖,用于开发新技术,可用于创建一个独特的高性能丙烯酸聚合物和共聚物。

罗姆(Rohm)和哈斯(Haas)将努力制定一个三年的努力,称为哥伦布项目,以开发一个新的催化聚合平台。如果成功的话,这项研究将完成缺失的链接,该链接能够产生特殊的丙烯酸聚合物,从而提供新的性能优势。催化剂是少量用于启动,加速或控制化学反应的物质,否则这些反应太慢或低效而无法经济。与NIST高级技术计划(ATP)合作,Rohm和Haas科学家将与来自帕萨迪纳的加利福尼亚理工学院的研究人员一起设计和合成全新的催化剂。time, we’ll be able to control the molecular architecture of acrylic polymers and combine the best features of acrylics with those of polyolefins,” said Dr. Brian Goodall, Rohm and Haas chief scientist for catalysis. “We’ll actually have the ability to control the placement of polar groups common in acrylics (the cluster of atoms that impart performance characteristics) and ultimately influence crucial performance properties, like toughness, adhesion, and surface behavior.”If successful, Project Columbus would generate not only new catalysts, but new polymers and product lines with economic, social, and environmental benefits. New “designer polymers” could lead to special applications in architectural and automotive coatings, potentially reducing the use and emissions of volatile organic compounds that currently are used for stability and flow. Other applications that might benefit from new acrylic polymers include ink jet inks, paper coatings, adhesives, and microelectronics, to name a few.

Goodall说:“ 200万美元的ATP赠款是我们计划的巨大推动力。”他在Rohm and Haas Company位于宾夕法尼亚州Spring House的Rohm和Haas Company的主要研究校园中领导一支化学家。“我们很高兴与加利福尼亚理工学院的同事合作开发新型的聚合物材料,这些材料将赋予丙烯酸和聚烯烃的新性能特性,这是到目前为止无法生产的。”欧洲杯足球竞彩



