Siemens Increases Rebar Production Capacity at Italian Plant by 25%

作为2008年底完成的两阶段现代化项目的一部分,Siemens VAI Metals Technologiesincreased the annual production capacity of Italian steel producer Ferriera Valsabbia to 750,000 metric tons of reinforcing steel. The prime reasons for achievement of this approximately 25 per cent increase in output were the installation of a hot-charging system for billets as well as a system for single-bar high-speed delivery that allows rolling speeds of up to 27 meters per second in two-slit rolling mode.

The aim of modernizing the rolling mill of Ferriera Valsabbia, which is located in Odolo in the province of Brescia, was not only to expand production capacity but also to increase the flexibility of the facility. The new rolling mill is designed to process billets with square cross-section of 150 x 150 millimeters and length of 9 meters. This results in rebars with diameters of between 8 and 40 millimeters. In two-slit rolling mode, the maximum bar diameter is 20 millimeters. The re-heating furnace, which has a capacity of 100 metric tons per hour if the billets are cold-charged, can be accelerated to up to 130 metric tons per hour with the help of the hot-charging system supplied by Siemens.

对于滚动线,西门子提供了14个新的红环摊位,并将现有的七个摊位现代化。现在,滚动线可以快速更换滚筒和架子,从而将其灵活地转换为不同的最终产品。条形转移到新的64米长的冷却床是通过带有磁性制动器的举起围裙或通过高速杆递送系统进行的。后者的设计方式使单个钢筋即使在两链滚动模式下也可以转移到步行耙中。这使得稍后将栏计数和捆绑起来变得更加容易。多亏了高速输送系统,与使用提升围裙时的每秒15米相比,每秒可达27米的滚动速度。供应范围还包括滚动线的所有剪切,冷切割区以及用于计数和捆绑钢筋的机器。西门子还负责润滑和液压系统,并监督滚动厂的安装工作和调试。西门子还提供咨询服务,以便瓦尔萨比亚按照意大利 /欧洲法规的要求申请单个机器和整体工厂的安全认证。




  • APA

    Primetals Technologies Limited。(2019年2月10日)。西门子将意大利工厂的钢筋生产能力提高了25%。azom。于2022年10月29日从//检索。

  • MLA

    Primetals Technologies Limited。“西门子将意大利工厂的钢筋生产能力提高25%”。azom。2022年10月29日。

  • 芝加哥

    Primetals Technologies Limited。“西门子将意大利工厂的钢筋生产能力提高25%”。azom。//。(2022年10月29日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Primetals Technologies Limited。2019。Siemens Increases Rebar Production Capacity at Italian Plant by 25%。Azom,2022年10月29日,//。



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